Steve Herro's Favorite Internet Links

My favorite Web sites basically fall into these categories:

Computing Sites
Development and Fundraising Sites (not including  grantsmanship and prospect research)
Government Sites
Higher Education Sites
Information Professional Sites
Internet Tools and Resources
Job Hunt
Periodicals, News, and Current Events
Prospect Research
Ready Reference Sites
Religion Sites
Service and Service Learning Sites
Social Action Sites
Sports Sites

100 Best Free Web Space Providers
2001 Windows Tips and Tricks
About Desktop Publishing --fine source for fonts and clip art --index to software applications available over the Web
CNET: The Computer Network
Dave's House of Clip Art
Every File Format in the World
How to Build a Web Site with Free Stuff
HTML Goodies
Microsoft Windows Update --source for online help for computer hardware and software
Nerd's Haven
PC Magazine
Resource/Tag Library
Snoopie Internet File Finder
Softseek--PC Internet Software Archive and Information --site devoted to professionals involved in IT --valuable Web site for use of technology and nonprofit world
Tom's Hardware Guide
Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology
Web Page Development --from SNC Computer Services
Webtools --Tool shop for business Web developers
WWWebster Dictionary
ZDNet's IT Resouce Center

Advancement Resources: Sharing Ideas and Opportunities
Alliance for Non-Profit Management
American Association of Fund-Raising Counsel Related Organizations
American Philanthropy Review
BBS Wise Giving Alliance
Carnegie Library Foundation Center
Charity Navigator: You guide to intelligent giving
The Chroncicle of  Philanthropy
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
E mail Discussion List --all mailing lists are related fund raising
FADICA:  Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities
Forbes Tool Box
Fundsvcs Archives --archives for mailing list related to electtronic and paper storage of fundraising data
Gift Range Calculator Wise Giving Alliance
Harvest Today
How can We Use the Internet for Fundraising?
Idealist --nice portal for nonprofit jobs, directory of consultants, etc.
National Center for Charitable Statistics
Nonprofit Fund Raising and Grant Writing --nice source of philanthropy in Chicago area (database to grants given, job postings, training available, etc.)
Philanthropic Digest Index
Philanthropic Studies Index
Philanthropy Journal Online
Philanthropy News Network
Philanthropy Roundtable --index to Web sites that contribute to charity when one visits them
Resources for Fund Raising Online
Search for Charities--IRS database on charities with tax deductible status
Technology Fundraising Resources
Top 10 Givers in the Top 9 Categories--1999
U.S. Department of Education:  Nonprofit Gateway
Women in Philanthropy

50 States and Capitals
Almanac of American Politics
Biographical Guide of the United States Congress
Browse Government Resources (provided by Library of Congress) 
Campaign Disclosure Project
Campaign Finance Institute
Capitol Update--summary on current state of Wisconsin legislation with justice and peace implications
CAPWEB:  The Internet Guide to the United States Congress
Carroll Publishing
Catalog for Federal Domestic Assitance Program
Clerk of the House Election Statistics 
Congressional Email Directory
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports
D.C. Orbit:  The Web Network of Washington's Influencials 
Democracy Net--source for national and state elections
Embassy Page
FEC Info Public Disclosure, Inc.
FindLaw: Internet Legal Resources
Free Internet Access to Government Public Records
Governing Sourcebook  the Resource for States and Localities
Government Information Locator Service
Governments on the World Wide Web
GovSpot --search index for government information
GPO Access
Infospace:  Government Guide
LLSDS's Legislative Source Book  ( produced by Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D. C.)
Marvel--Library of Congress Gopher
National League of Cities  The Online Source for Money in Politics Data
Project Vote Smart
RealClear Politics--good source for polls and national editorials. --massive search engine for government pages
Soft Money Laundramat
State and Local Government on the Net
State Law
State of Wisconsin
Supreme Court Decisions
Supreme Court of the United States
Taxpayers for Common Sense
Thomas--Library of Congress
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam--Forms from the Feds
United States Code
United States Government Manual
University of Michigan Document Center
Voter Information Page
Web, White, and Blue 2000
Welcome to De Pere
The Wheeler Report--good source for Wisocnsin state government
Who are My Legislators?
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access --source for Wisconsin political news

Association of Small Foundations
Campus Compact: Grants/Fellowships/Funding
Council on Foundations --includes comprehensive index to foundation Web sites
Donor's Forum of Wisconsin
Federal Funds for Organizations that Help Those in Need
Foundation Center
Foundation Finder
Foundations in Wisconsin Online
Foundations On-Line: Foundations and Grantmakers Directory
Free Management Library--especially good for grantsmanship
Funding Opportunities:  U.S. Department of Education
Grant Makers for Education
Grant Programs and Funding Agencies--excellent site for grant funding in higher education from U of Mass at Amherst
Grant Resources on the Web:  Where to Look When You Need Funding
Grant Writing Links
Grants and Related Resources--Academic Fundraising Web Resources --guide to faculty for grant writing from Michicagn State University
Grants Resource Center --guide to faculty grant seeking from Ferris State University source for government grants
Grantsnet --source for science education and medical research funding
Grantsnet --roadmap provided by US Dept. of HHS for grrant and federal funding opportunities of US goverment
Guide to Project Evaluation:  A Participatory Approach
Guidestar: Navigating the Charitable Universe
International Grants
Marquette University Grant Collection
NAFSA:  Association of International Educators --excellent source of grants and scholarship for internatinoal education
National Catholic Community Foundation --the foundation exists as an outlet for those who wish to contribute to a foundation whose foci are national Catholic ministries; page also includes valuable links to religious philanthropy.
National Network of Grantmakers --membership of associations of funders commmitted to supporting progressive social change
NP Action--good source for nonprofits and govertnment relations
Polaris Grant Central --glossary of grant terms, grant writing mannuals, funding sources, etc.
Quality 990 --full text of NPOs IRS 990 forms
Sponsored Programs Administration --guide for faculy sponsored research, Buffalo University
Sponsored Research Offices--National Science Foundation
Study Web: Education --index to grant funding sources in educatioon 
Technology Grant News
Wired Learning: Grants

Academic Organizations & Associations
ACCU:  Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities --nice source of scholarship chances, collegge application forms, etc.
AltaVista Education Search --AltaVista search engine to sources in .edu domain
American Association of Higher Education
American Universities
Campus Newspapers on the Internet and Gopher
Catholic Theological Union
The Chronicle of Higher Education: ACADEME THIS WEEK
Chronicle of Higher Education Career Network
College and University Rankings
College Profiles
CollegeNet --from Center for Study of Values in College Student Development, Florida State University, source for materials related to student leadership, ethics, spirituality, etc. in higher education.
COOL:  College Opportunities On-Line--NCES IPEDS
Council of Graduate Schools
Council of Independent Colleges
ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education
Globewide Network Academy
Graduate Programs Search
Higher Education Research Institute (HERI)
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Petersons Online
Princeton Review --source for college comparitive data, etc.
Saint Norbert College
Technology and Higher Education Statistics, Surveys, Reports
TeleCampus --online Internet resources for Internet based distance education
University of Texas World Lecture Hall
University of Wisconsin--Madison
University of Wisconsin--Alumni
US News and World Report Colleges and Careers Center

INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL SITES --search engine for out of print books
ACRL/CNI Internet Education Project --great source for suggestions on how to intergrate the use of the Internet for library and other classroom instruction
AcqWeb's Directory of Publishers and Vendors
Alibris: Ultimate Source for Out of Print and Rare Books
American Library Association
Archives of LIBREF-L
The Best Information on the Net
Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources
The Book Report
Booklist Center --Includes lists prepaared by authorities in dozens of fields as well as comprehensive listings of award-winning books --search engine to independent book sellers
Brown County Library
Children's Literature Web Guide
Copyright Resouces Online
Dealtime --search index to buying products online, including books.
Division for Libraries and Community Learning--Wisconsin
Educause --index to online periodical articles available on Web
FirstSearch Bibliographic Instruction Site Overview
Floyd Ingram's Home Page--great collection of library links
Hot Flashes/Library News
InferenceFind:  The Intelligent and Fast Parallel Web Search
Information Literacy Homepage
Information Literacy Links
Internet Archive --source to find replace Web pages
Internet Library for Librarians
Leo: Librarians and Educators Online
Libdex: the Library Index --great search index to libraries, vendors, and friends' groups
Librarians' Guide
Librarians' Resource Centre:  The Toolbox
Librarians'Yellow Pages
Library Computer Accessories on the Internet
Library Instruction Programs
Library Instruction Round Table
Library Job Postings on the Internet
Library Jobs Home Page
Library JobSearch -- University of Illinois, GSLIS
Library Journal Digital
Library Link
Library of Congress  Resources for the Wired Librarian
Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials
Library Reference Center via EBSCO
The Library Resource List: Selected Reference Resources
Library Servers via WWW --news for information professionals
LOEX: Clearinghouse for Library Instruction
MX BookFinder
National Forum on Information Literacy
National Library Catalogues Worldwide
New York Books
New York Times Books on the Web
NUCMC Z39.50 Gateway to the RLIN AMC File
OCLC: Online Library Computer Library Center
OCLC Participating Institutions
On-line Resources: Capital Community-Technical College
Opposing Views
Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System
Periodical Titles in OCLC FirstSearch --great source for directory of periodicals, including finding full text of periodical titles
Publishers' Catalogues Homepages
Repositories of Primary Sources
The Researching Librarian
Rettig on Reference
Saint Norbert College Library
Selected Industry Resources
State and Regional Library Associations
Ultimate Book List and Writer's Page
Undergrad Commons Resources --includes excellent guides to electronic citations.
UNESCO Library's Portal
Wisconsin Library Association

Academic Info --subject directory of Internet sources tailored  for high school and college researchers
All Academic: An academic search engine and index
AskERIC InfoGuides
Bare Bones 101:  A Basic Tutorial on Searching the Web
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
Best Information on the Net
Beyond the MLA Handbook: Documenting Electronic Sources on the Internet
Big Foot Global Email Directory
Bookmark Central
Britannica Internet Guide
BUBL Information Service
College & Research Libraries News--Internet Resources
College & Research Libraries News--Internet Reviews
Compare Search Engine Features, Size, and Strategies
CompletePlanet --search engine and search engine to statistical sources on the Web
Direct Search
Free Email Providers Guide
Indexes, Abstracts, Bibliographies, and Table of Contents Services
Infojump --search index to electronic serials, searchable by name and subject
Internet Access Search --search for dialup, cable modem, and DSL providers
Internet Address Finder
Internet Points-of-Interest
Internet Resources Newsletter
Internet Resources Outside the Library of Congress --helpful search engine and directory of 10,000+ databases and archives
iWORLD: Internet News and Resources
Journalist's Compass --Journalist's Compass is an information hubb with links to Internet resources from not only journalism and media interests, but such areas as commerce, finance, think tanks, the Federal government, writing and research.
Librarian's Index to the Internet
Liszt--Directory of Mailing Lists
Looksmart--nice subject index to Net
Magellan Internet Guide
Metor:  the Gate of Information
Net Informant
NetLingo --helpful dictionary of the Internet
Northern Light Search
Roadside Attractions Map
St. Norbert College Sponsored Mailing Lists
Schemes for Organizing the Web
Scout Report Homepage
Schemes for Organizing the Web
Search Engine Showdown
Search Engine Watch
Searchalot--search many engines simulaneously, one at a time, or by Searchalot's subject index
Signpost (searchable Scout Reports)
Site Source --search engine from Wired Librarian, in MARRC format
Special Internet Connections
Subject guide to Internet Resources (Argus)
Virtual Ready Reference Desk
Washburn Law Library Home Page
The Weekly Bookmark
Whole Internet Index

Alternative to Mainstream Media Dreck
American Journalism Review
Campus Newspapers on the Internet and Gopher
Catholic Periodicals
The Chicago Tribune
The Chronicle of Higher Education: ACADEME THIS WEEK
CNN Interactive
Ecola Newstand
Evening News Abstracts
First Things
Green Bay News Chronicle
Heritage Foundation
Hot links to Online Magazines
Index to the Post Crescent --helpful index to Appleton Post Crescent byy Appleton Public Library
Infojump --search index to electronic serials, searchable by name and subject
International Broadcasters
International Herald Tribune
Internet Resources--Newspapers
Literature of the Nonpofit Sector
Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel
New York Times  Alternatives in Print & Media
News and Newspapers Online (great source for international news, too)
News Library
Newstrawler--Parallel News Service
Online Newspapers, Many with Searchable Archives
Other Internet Resources--Periodicals 
Rocketinfo's Search Engine --particularly strong search engine for last five days of national news
Scholarly Journals
Television News Archive
Total News
Urban Institute
USA Today
WISInfo --access to Thomson Company WI newspapers including Appleton Post Crescent and Fond du Lac Reporter

Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement
Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement--Job Quest-Search
AVWeb:  Aviation Databases
Be Your Own Private Investigator  Salary Surveys and Cost of Living Data
Dataland --commercial provider of personal, financial, employment, etc. information; also provides links to free prospect research sites.
David Lamb's Prospect Research Page --source for salaries
Home Price Check
Individual Internet Research Webliography
Internet Prospector Reference Desk
Main page for prspct-l --very comprehensive salary index
NETSource @ USC--Selected Sites for Prospect Research on the Web
PORTICO:  Web Resources for Advancement Professionals
Prospect Research and Reference Tools --from Research Office, Univeristy of Vermont
Search Systems --searchable public record databases
--Web resources  to  biographical sources, corporate sources, assets and financial information, foundations/grants, international research, telephone direcotiries, and general reference.
 Wageweb: Salary Survey Data On-Line

Business, Economics, and Employment
Cars and Travel
Demography and Geography

Business, Economics, and Employment
1 --offers connections to corporate Web pages, press releases, IRS information, etc.
10-K Wizard--SEC Filings
Abbot, Langer & Associates Inc. --Compensation and benefits reports
Annual Report Gallery
Annual Reports
Best of the Web --Money Magazines's best links for financial supersites, directories, news, stock research, portfolio tracking, mutual funds, etc.
Big Charts --source for current and retrospective corporate financial data --valuable index to business addresses and URLs
Compensation Link Inc.
Consumer Information
Consumer World
Corporate Financials Online
Corporate Information
Corporate Intelligence Strategies & Tools
Cost of Living Calculator
Currency Converter
Dismal Scientist
dotcom directory --source to find companies' URLs, news, secuurities information, etc.
E-Line Financials
Edgar Online --seach SEC reports, including corporate insiders
Edgar Scan        --searches public companies for SEC reports by industry or company name Business Directory --index to over 20,000 business Web sites divided by reference, work, and current affairs.
FreeEdgar --source of SEC information, past and present.
Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Member Directory
Hoover's Online!
Inflation Calculator -business research portal
Investorwords --nice links to investment glossaries
JobHunt: On-Line Job Meta-List --additionally provides access to hundreds of annual reports
Money Central --nice Microsoft invester Web page; includes all transactions of the last twelve months.
mniguide to U.S. Manufacturers --good source for manufacturing industry andd suppliers to manufacturers.
Multex Investor Network --securities Web site sponsored by Merrill LLynch
News 365 --business, corporate, economic, and industrial news from 10,000 news sites
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Occupational Employment and Wage Data
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Online Annual Report Service
Price's List of Lists
Profession Specific Salary Surveys --source for corporate earnings and news releases
Researching Companies Online
Researching Companies Online (Virginia Smith)
Salaries and Profiles
Security APL Stock Ticker Symbol Search
Smart Money Interactive
Standard Industrial Classification Search
Statistical Resources on the Web:  Business and Industry
Statistical Resources on the Web:  Labor and Unemployment
Stocksheet --also provides retrospective securities values
Universal Currency Converter: What is a Dollar Worth?
Wall Street Research --searches for company information, including SEC filings, news, research reports, and estimated earnings.

Cars and Travel
Automobile Section of New York Times
Autoworld --compares and contrasts cities according to favorable living conditions
Edmund's Automobile Buyer's Guide
Harvard Map Collection
Kelly Blue Book
Microsoft Expedia Travel Services

Demography and Geography
American Factfinder--Census Bureau
Area Code Information 
Brown County, Wisconsin

Census 2000 USA Today
Census Data Online --especially good for ranking of cities, couunties, MSAs
Global Distribution of Poverty
Global Education Locator
Jay Computer Services Zip and Area Code Lookup 
Kids Count--source for socioeconomic condition of children in the United States
Local Census
MapMachine --source for maps provided by National Geogrraphic
Mapping Census 2000: The Geography of U.S. Diversity
Maps and Geography of the World
National Association of Counties
Population and Housing Unit Estimates
Population Information
Population Profile of the United States: 2000 --nice reports on demographics in US from 2000 census
Portals to the World
Relocation Central 
Sperling's BestPlaces
United States Geological Server National Mapping Information
Zip & Area Code Lookup
ZIP Code Maps
ZIPfind Central --useful source for zip code information andd distances

Ameritech Internet Yellow Pages
Any Who
ASAE Gateway to Associations
Directory of Organizations --index to educational organizations from ERIC
Dot-com Directory --index to companies and organizations with Web pages.
E-mail-Adressbuch des Ordo Praemonstratensis
Fax Numbers (and other directory information)
Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Member Directory
Guidestar: Navigating the Charitable Universe
Infobel --source for international directory check
InfoSpace --includes reverse look up, email addresses, public records also; ealso good for finding multiple persons at same phone number --Internet portal with strong personal, corporate, and reverse directories --great source for business information searrchable by company name or sticker.
International Organization Web Sites
Lookup USA
National Chamber of Commerce Directory
National Environmental Directory
National School Locator
NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks --especially valuable for searching number of directory search engines
Telephone Directories on the Web
USA Roman Catholic Churches on the WWW

All Recipes
Back of the Box Recipes
Mimi's Cyber Kitchen
Nutrition Source:  Knowledge for Healthy Living
Recipe searching
Recipes from Bird Eye and Across the Web
SOAR: Searchable Online Archives of Recipes
Vegetarian Resource Group Recipes

CHID Online: The Combined Health Information Database
Go Ask Alice
Mayo Clinic's Health Oasis
Merck Manual Home Edition
National Center for Health Statistics
Online Medical Dictionary
Virtual Hospital

<>International --country information, regional, and world rankings
Chief of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Country Briefings (from the Economist magazine)
Country Profiles --particular emphasis on agriculture in deveeloping world
Country Studies--Area Handbook series
Culture and UNESCO
European Governments On-Line
Handbook of International Economic Statistics: 1998-CIA
International Information for Northwestern University
The Internationalist: The Center for International Business Information
International Organization Web Sites
Internet Country Guides--Incore
Organisation for Economic and Development Cooperation
Parliamentary and Presidential Elections around the World
UNESCO Electronic Document Management System
United Nations CyberSchoolBus
UNWire: an Independent News Briefing about the UN
US Census International Database
World Factbook
Abbreviationz: the A to Z of Acronyms & Abbreviations on the Net
All Apartments
Ask a Linguist
AskERIC Home Page --condensed Oxford English dictionary, dictionary of first names, etc.
Authority Finder --source for quotes from business and academmic journal articles
BadgerLink --to access full text article from journals, newspaper, WISCAT, etc. --single interphase to five  basic reference works
Best of History Websites
Blue Web 'N--source for K-12 sites
BMI.COM: Information Repertoire
Calculators Online
Cardinal Fund Links Page --nice set of links to securities information, media sources, business school libraries, real estate, personal directories, legal and law matters, cars, maps and weather, geneaology, celebrities, etc.
Citing Electronic Resources
Citing the Internet & Electronic Information
A Dictionary of Units
dMarie Ti me Capsule
Douglass: Archives of American Public Address How to do Just About Everything
Elements of Style
Encarta Concise Encyclopedia
ERIC/AE Test Locator
getCITED --database of citations in scholarly essays, book chapters, etc.
Housing Statistics --from U.S. Census Bureau Online University:  Resources by County
For --nice index to availiabilty in video disc, DVD, etc
For the People & the Press --Pew Research Center polling data
Funk and Wagnalls Online Multimedia Encyclopedia
Glossarist --valuable salary, cost of living, real estates, etc. calculators
Hot List of K-12 Internet School Sites
How Stuff Works
Hutchinson Dictionary of Difficult Words
iCards--source for ecards from Apple
Information Please
Ingenta --former Uncover database
The Internet Public Library
The Internet's Best Electronic Reference Desk
Legal Engine
Links to Internet Style Manuals
Logos:  State of the Art Translations  the International Lyrics Server
Melissa Data Lookup Directory
Michigan Electronic Library Guide to Internet
Movie Database
My Facts Page
My Simon --search engine for comparing prices of products available for online purchase
My Virtual Reference Desk
Online Conversion
OneLook Dictionaries
Pitsco's Launch to Asking an Expert
PriceGrabber --search engine for comparing prices of products available for online purchase
Price's List of Lists
Private School Locator
Product Reviewnet
Project Gutenberg
Public Agenda Online --nice set of papers, links to public policy issues.
Quotations Homepage
Reader's Digest at Home
Scholarly Societies Project
Search ERIC Database --search full text of hundreds of online books --huge search engine to education pages --huge search index to military pages
The Slot: A Spot for Copy Editors
Social Science Data Center
Speech Center
Stately Knowledge
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Stumpers-L --Quotes for the mind and soul
United States Postal Service (zip code lookup, postal rates, etc.)
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library --source for movie reviews
U.S. Department of Education: Education Resource Organizations Directory
Web of Online Dictionaries
Wikipedia --free encyclopedia
WordReference--source for translating words and phrases
World Pages

American Demographics
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Family Search:  Internet Genealogy Service --presented by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Free Public Record Sources
Patron Saints Index for finding birthdates by date, person, and zip code. Social Security death index
United States Funeral Home Directory
Vital Records Information United States <>

RELIGION SITES --collection of world religion statistics
American Religion Data Archive
Blue Letter Bible
Call to Action
Catholic Center on the Internet
Catholic Community: The Worldwide Catholic Web Directory
Catholic Dioceses
Catholic Homilies --includes homilies, lectionary resources, and other helpful religion links.
Catholic Internet Directories
Catholic News Service 
Catholic Online
Catholic Organizations
Catholic Periodicals --St. Anthony Messenger Press site for religgious ecards
Green Bay Diocese
H-Catholic:  History and Culture of Catholicism
Hierarch of the Catholic Church: Current and Historical Information About its Bishops and Dioceses
Holy Family Parish Fond du Lac
Internet Resources for the Study and Teaching of Theology
National Catholic Educational Association --good job ads as well
Online Ministries --source for prayer, retreats, and spirituality
Patron Saints Index
Preaching Peace
Religion & Ethics--valuable source for current news and commentary in religion from PBS
Religion Online
Religion Resources on the Web
Revised Standard Version Bible
St. Norbert Abbey
Sermons & Sermon-Lectionary Resources
U.S. and Canadian Retreat Center Listing
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Wisconsin Catholic Conference
World Wide Study Bible

The Big Dummie's Guide to Service Learning
Campus Compact
Campus Compact Center for Community Colleges
National Service Learning Clearinghouse

Alternatives for Simple Living --includes ecatalog of items to buy in suppoort of simple living and social justice, links to related sites, etc.  Special emphasis on keeping religious holidays noncommercial.

American Friends Service Committee --highlight of various social justice issues by American Society of Friends, good resource for connections between faith and justice

America's Second Harvest --Website to leading hunger fighting organizzation

Business for Social Responsibility-- the organization serve as a resources for companies to sustain their commercial success in ways that demonstrate their commerical success in ways that demonstrate respect for ethical values, people, communities, and the environment.

CAFOD: Catholic Agency for Overseas Development--the official overseas and development organization of the Catholic Church of Great Britain

Call to Action --resources on peace and justice, Call to Action publications, and links to Church reform, social justice, and media.

Capitol Update--summary on current state of Wisconsin legislation with justice and peace implications

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace --included full text article, lists of publications, and links to other sites related to international peace.

Catholic Alliance for the Common Good--promotes active participation in public life, nice feed to news articles and topical breakdown

Catholic Charities Central Texas--Faithful Citizenship--source for faithful citizenship and resources to Catholic social teaching and its themes.

Center for Concern --organization which exists to promote educaation of Catholic social teaching --source for change in international justice and peace causes, includes a nice grant finding section.

Clean Clothes Campaign--provided by Archdiocese Milwaukee, wonderful source for clean clothes shopping and fair trade.

Conference of Major Superiors of Men: Justice and Peace --includes texts of CMSM Justice and Peace Alerts as well as links to other justice and peace organizations.

Congressional Hunger Center--helps train leaders to combat hunger and link agencies to policy makers,

Contemporary Conflicts --index to world conflicts and links to news sources and archives describing those conflicts.

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices --The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices are submitted annually by the U.S. Department of State to the U.S. Congress. The reports cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Eighth Day Center for Justice --leading Chicago area social justice centerr --British periodical featuring boycott list,, business ethics database, corporate research services, etc.

Fair Trade Federation--source for background information and links related to free trade

Faith in Public Life--founded by interfaith leaders seeking to strengthen faith movements call to justice, nice link to topics and daily mailing service

Habitat for Humanity International -- Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian housing organization.

Hill Connections--linking contemplation and social action, provides links to social action sites, upcoming events, and contemplation helps.

Human Rights Watch: World Report 1999 --provides Web access to human rights reports on countries and general topics on human rights.

Human Rights Web --includes text of international human rights documents, links to international human rights organizations, and a primer on how to effectively communicate human rights stances.

HungerWeb--academic and popular site for hunger data

If Not --information and links provided by national social action organizations, allows user to follow national issues and mail to elected officials

Institute for Peace and Justice--particularly strong for educators

Institute of Theology and Peace--includes excellent online bibliography of articles and monographs

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility--collection of faith based investors focused on socially responsible investing

Interfaith Climate Change Network --good source for church leaders documents on environmental concern and ideas to integrate conservation and faith.

Interfaith Worker Justice--interfaith Worker Justice is a network of people of faith that calls upon our religious values in order to educate, organize and mobilize the religious community in the United StatesIn

International Religious Freedom Report --survey on status of religious toleration in countries throughout the world

Just Add Consciousness: A Guide to Social Activism --nice guide to social activism activities and also includes many helpful social activism links. --corporate responsibilty index on some of the more frequently traded and largest companies.

knowledgeplex--the professional resource of affordable housing and community development

Legislative Alert --provided by Claretians, includes position papers on social action issues. Not updated very frequently.

Let Justice Roll--faith based, non-faith based, and nonpartisan living wage campaign

Mapping Faith: National Directory of Faith Groups for Justice and the Common Good

Meta Search Engine for Searching Multiple Human Rights Sites --allows searcher to searcher dozens of human rights sites at once or individual sites.

Migration Information Source--articles, data, etc. on world migration trends.

National Association of State Catholic Conference Directors--includes policy papers, links to Catholic  conferences, etc.
National Coalition for the Homeless--source for legislative advocacy, current data, educational materials, directories, etc. related to homelessness and housing in the U. S.

National Freedom Scorecard --provided by American Civil Liberties Unionn, searcher may determine your elected representative has voted on specific issues in the light of the American Civil Liberties Union position.

National Low Income Housing Coalition --dedicated soley to ending America's affordable housing crisis

National Priorities Project --includes searchable database on social issues --international Web page devoted to alleviating world hunger.

Network: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby--organized by women Catholic religious, source for national legislation and justice and peace tracking

Office of Public Policy and Social Concerns: Archdiocese of San Francisco--particularly strong in links to documents related to seven premises of Catholic Social Teaching

Office for Social Justice--Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis --includes links to resources for social justice in the parish, legislative action, and texts of social justice documents.

Office of Justice & Peace (Diocese of Richmond, VA)  --thorough index to justice and peace topics issues and resources for diocesan and parish social ministry formation. --nice news source for social justice matters, from a global perspective.

Poverty in America--source for maps, atlases, and publications on poverty in America

Procott--guide to positive consumer behavior for social change --nice links to foundations that fund progreessive projects, directory of progressive scholars, and progressive books store.

Project Vote Smart--nonpartisan guide to national and state office holder and campaign information

Religious Communities and Enviro Justice --links to religious communities and environmental justice from the National Rural Life Conference

Responsible Citizenship: A Catholic Campaign for Civic Dialogue-- fosters dialogue from a Catholic faith-based perspective on the concerns of young adult Catholics on key policy issues during the 2004 Presidential election. --search engine to socially responsible venddors

Save the World Links --nice compilation by students of St. Thomas University with weekly topical links as well as links to MN, US. and international issues. --expansive social justice site assembled byy sisters communities and colleges in the Midwest

Social Investment Forum --research papers, mutual fund charts, direcctory of financial services, etc. related to social investing. largest personal finance site devoted to socially responsible investing

Social Justice News and Updates --features news alerts on national and international justice and peace issues; not updated very frequently --page to help searchers make informed decisions about socially responsible investing.

Solve Global Warming Wisconsin--petition, easy steps for anyone to take, etc.

Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity--connects poverty and demographics

Sustainable Communities and Responsible Business Links --features links to directories of responsible businesses, reponsible business, and sustainable communities (which are pro environment, by definition) A Web Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center--online destination for those seeking information to dismantle bigotry and hatred.

20/20 Vision --source for reports and articles on social issues and guides for effective social action

United Nations Human Rights Website -- Treaty Bodies Database --includes texts of human rights treaties, links to countries' responses, etc.

Visionaries --Web site to organization devoted to use  of mass media to promote philanthropy and structural change

The Voice of the Martyrs --dedicated to describing the situation of ppolitical oppression in the world a resource for faith, politics, and government--Looks at "Faithful Citizenship" and applies to current electoral issues.

Wisconsin Coalition Against the Death Penalty--source for scholarly papers, current news, and helpful links.

Wisconsin Interfaith Climate Change Campaign --valuable resource for people of faith and care of creation

Wisconsin Network for Justice and Peace --network of Wisconsin based religious and ssecular organizations devoted to peace and justice.  Website includes alert service and list of members, amongs other things.

Women's Voting Guide --compare your opinions to the voting recordds of national representatives


Ballparks of Baseball
Baseball Almanac

Baseball historical, nice section on baseball rules and book excerpts
ESPN Sportszone
Fantasy Index
FOX Sports
Green Bay Update by Jeff Ash
John Skilton's Baseball Links
Major League Baseball
National Basketball Association
National Football League
NBC Sports
Packer Email, List, Web Page--including Jeff Ash Reports
Packers News (from Green Bay Press Gazette)
Retrosheet Official Web Page
South End Zone
Sports Bubbler
Sports: Breaking Records, Breaking Barriers
Sports Illustrated Online
Sports Schedules as You Like 'Em
Total Baseball Online
USA Today Sports
World Wide Web of Sports

email Steve Herro

Last update, Oct. 15,  2009