Hi, and welcome to my page. First of all, please excuse me for the plain layout as this is still a fairly new site under **constant** renovation. I will add some graphics up here from time to time.
I have created this site specifically to put up some of the projects I am currently doing on a personal basis. You will, from time to time, find new projects that have been completed (or half completed) by myself. All the projects will be written in Java and will be under the GNU GPL License. So you can expect the source codes to be there as well.
I would like to extend my invitation to all developers to download these programs and to enhance them as they see fit. However, it will be great if you can simply let me know about the upgrades so that I can add your contributions to the programs.
In addition to software projects, you will also find some articles written by me on various subjects (mostly grumblings). Please feel free to read them and send me your comments if you like.
You can contact me at herrykoh@yahoo.com for any comments or suggestions/patches to upgrade these softwares. Credits will be given where due.