About Josh
Name:    Joshua Souza

Birthday:  February 21, 1977

Age:   24

Born:  Grand Junction, Colorado

Height:  6'1

Weight:  180 lbs

Residence:  L.A., California

Places to Call Home:  Fresno + Santa Maria, California

High School:  Reedly High School.  Reedly, California

University:  Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, California

Major:  Civil Engineering,  emphasis:  transportation

Sports:  Tennis, Basketball, Football, Swimming, Weight-lifting.

                        Favorites:(as from www.joshsouzaonline.com)
color:  purple
Smell:  Strawberry
Flower:  Yellow Roses
Game:  Football
Team:  49ers
TV Show:  Friends or Sports Center
Movies:  Die Hard and Pretty Woman
Actor/Actress:  Mel Gibson and Meg Ryan
Music:  Any and all!  (yes including country : )  gotta luv a guy that likes Garth!!!!!!!)
Magazine:  GQ and Sports Illustrated
Band:  The Dave Matthews Band
Breakfast:  Potatoes and anything you want to put around them!
Dinner:  Jumbo Fried Shrimp
Vegetable:  Carrot
Snack Food:  Corn Dog
Candy Bar:  Twix
Dessert:  Butter Pecan Ice Cream in a waffle cone
Alcoholic Beverage:  Corona
Non-Alcoholic beverage:  Sprite