News Radio in English!
  It is always a nice idea to listen to the news, and you can listen to the news in English to give you that listening practice that you need. Just follow the links below to some of my favorite English language news sites!
BBC World Report- The BBC has been giving the world news since radio was invented. One of the world's most trusted news agencies.

NHK English News- Japan's most respected news source, available in English.

National Public Radio
- America's national radio station. Excellent reporting and in depth coverage.
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   In addition to radio news, there is also some wonderful streaming media content to be found at the Prarrie Home Companion. One of my favorite authors, Garrison Keillor, has a 2 hour radio program once a week from the greatest state in America, Minnesota. It was one of my favorite shows as a boy, and I still listen to it at Hillbourne on my breaks.