The Starry Bob
Iambrix stellifer (Butler 1879)
A Starry Bob (Iambrix stellifer) feeding on the flower of Leea indica an all-time favourite amongst the butterflies found in the nature reserves, and particularly so amongst various species of Hesperiidae.
Scientific Data and Other Important Notes
Family : Hesperiidae
SubFamily : Hesperiinae
Genus : Iambrix (Watson 1893)
Common Name : The Starry Bob 
Wingspan: 25mm
Host Plant:  The caterpillar of this species is believed to feed on bamboo.

Similar species: Chestnut Bob (Iambrix salsala salsala)

Status in Singapore: Rare and local in distribution.
Habitat : Found mainly in forested areas within the Central Catchment Nature Reserves. 

Description :  The Starry Bob looks very similar to the Chestnut Bob (Iambrix salsala), but is much rarer, and found mainly in forested areas within the Central Catchment Reserves.  The main distinguishing characteristic to separate the two is described as the silvery spot in space 5, which is placed midway between the cell-end and the termen, whereas this spot is placed just beyond the end of the cell in the Chestnut Bob.  Also, the cell spot is rarely present in the Chestnut Bob, whilst a spot is always present in the cell in the Starry Bob.  The upperside of the Starry Bob is generally darker, with a few post discal spots on the forewings of the female. 

Habitat & habits :This species is not often seen, and usually singly feeding at flowers in forested areas.  It is a lowland species and widely distributed in Malaysia and Singapore. 

Other Observations :  Often confused with its lookalike cousin, the more common Chestnut Bob.     

Early Stages :  The caterpillar is pale green, with a yellow head with black markings.  It has been bred on a species of bamboo.

  • Inayoshi, Yutaka : "Checklist of Butterflies in IndoChina", Some records of the species of Iambrix stellifer.
  • Savela, Markku : "Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms", References of Iambrix stellifer
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