Welcome to 'Anger Management', just one little site dedicated to the pairing of Lex and Helen on the television show Smallville. Now, this pairing has had a bad deal as far as the show goes but I'm sure their are still some people out there who think that the couple were good to watch and that the 'ship (Hex or Helex depending on your preference) should not be allowed to die out. As you can probably tell this site is somehow under construction at the moment but hopefully this site will grow into something quite special for Hex fans. ___GROUP LIST___ Helen || Lex is a group where you can post fanfiction based around the pairing of Helen and Lex on Smallville. ___FANFICTION___ Paleomagnetic : HumbugGirl : R : Future fic. What happens after?
___LINK___ If you wish to link to this site then please use the button below or a text link and using the address http://www.oocities.org/hexshippers ___LINKS___ ___CONTACT___ If you wish to contact me then you can email me at hexshippers@yahoo.co.uk. Please do not use any email attachments however.