The High Fantasy Society Home Page

Hosted by the Kingdom of Barad Duin

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Chapters: | Bhurtok | Challain | Drandmir | Silver Spire |
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Set aside the cares of mundane life, and join the Dream of the High Fantasy Society!

Be a noble Warrior or let the Barbarian inside you come out. Don the robes of an Elven Wizard or a humble Healer and weave spells to sway the outcome of the battle. Become a rampaging Minotaur, a gentle Unicorn, or a sweet Faery creature for an afternoon's fun, exercise, and role-playing! Barad Duin's weekly battle games are held on Saturdays from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. at Pease Park, Austin, Texas.

In addition to weekly battles, the High Fantasy Society provides opportunities for artisans of all types. If you do needlework, metal smithing, leatherwork, or jewelery crafts...if you sing and dance, or if you are chef of renown, we welcome you to show off your talents. Or, if you would like to learn some of these crafts, there are plenty willing to teach in workshops designed for all levels of skill.

The High Fantasy Society (HFS) is a Medieval live-action role-playing game emphasizing elements of fantasy:

  • We create fictional characters (personae) that we play in our weekly games and at social events. The role-playing is intended to be spontaneous, so there are no scripts.
  • We wear Medieval/Fantasy costumes to enhance role-playing and to identify personae.
  • We engage in safety-minded combat in the style of Medieval warfare, from one-on-one tournaments to large-scale "capture the flag" battles. Our weapons are "boffer weapons" modeled after Medieval weapons, but are foam-padded to ensure maximum safety. We also have a magic system to simulate the feel of wizardry in the spirit of fictional fantasy.
  • We also recreate a Medieval lifestyle. We have our own system of nobility, and offer award and titles for various achievements. We interact with several other kingdoms spread throughout Texas. We hold courts, feasts, Arts and Sciences competitions, camping trips and group trips to various Medieval style fairs.

For more information, send email to

Copyright © 1987 - 2000, The High Fantasy Society, All Rights Reserved.
Page Created 06172000
Last Updated 06192000
Web site "Look and Feel" donated by Christonna Hurn