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Those visitors who are already familiar with "The Good Old Days of Yore" may notice that this edition has an additional verse. An explanation appears below. |
How my heart is in me burning, And my very soul is yearning, As my thoughts go backward turning To the good old days of yore When my father and my mother, And each sister dear and brother Sang and chatted with each other 'Round that good old cottage door Dear old homestead cottage door Dear old homestead cottage door.
Voice and spirit loved to cheer it, And the very birds to hear it Flew around the door, and near it, Near that good old cottage door; And each sister dear and brother Nestled closer to each other, As our father and our mother Sang their good old songs of yore Sang their good old songs of yore Sang their good old songs of yore.
Then were words of kindness spoken, And each heart renewed the token, Pledging vows not to be broken, Broken never, never more; And though now asunder driven, With the ties of childhood riven, Still we cherish pledges given 'Round that good old cottage door Dear old homestead cottage door Dear old homestead cottage door.
Though our days on earth are fleeting And all temp'ral joys retreating Yet we hope for another meeting, Better far than days of yore; When through heav'nly courts ascending And with angels voices blending We shall sing on without ending At our heav'nly father's door Sing the new song forever more Sing the new song forever more.
Breathe one song of home 'mong others, Father's dear old home, and mother's, Where once gathered sisters, brothers, Round the good old cottage door. Tell the wanderers far off driven, Though the ties of earth be riven, To all true hearts this promise's given, We shall meet on a happier shore, Meet again to part no more Meet again to part no more part no more, part no more. |
Judson Joseph Hutchinson. "Good Old Days of Yore: Song of Home." Music: Judson J. Hutchinson. Lyrics: Jesse Hutchinson, Jr. First line of text: "How my heart is in me burning, And my very soul is yearning." Boston:
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