Ben Tremblay aka hfx_ben
How dumb is Yahoo's PageBuilder? Get this: even just making a list is a pain in the butt ... my gawd!
Beyond Greed
This will be about my various interests and activities, from community activism to buddhist economics. I might also include some computer related material, but not likely.
A Basic Bliss - blog
"Fallen Angels" - psychopathy
Web Buddhism
What's engaging me most right now is the question of what gets people to related to their own lives as if they were people and not just sources of wealth. (Pleasure's fine, but happiness requires more than just fulfilling desires ... dignity comes in somewhere, and real self-esteem is a matter of small things and events.)

Here's my email .sig:
well, this is totally lame ... can't even cut and paste ... totally lame.
Site Indexes:
  • Exchanges
  • Conventional friends think I'm too radical, radicals think I'm too spiritual, spiritual friends thinks I'm too much of an activist, and on and on ... basically, I don't by into the game of false personas that has addicted everyone. I hope my son (living with his mother) can have a moment of authenticity from time to time and see what's actually going down.