Directions to Thirtover Place

Here are some directions to help you find us on the weekend.


  • By Train: Travel to Reading, then catch a train towards Bedwyn, getting off at Thatcham station. If you tell us when, someone will be able to pick you up from there.
  • By National Express coaches: Travel to Reading. You will be dropped off by Sainsbury's at junction 12 of the M4. If you tell us when, someone will probably be able to pick you up from there. Alternatively, you can catch a bus into Reading and then either a bus or train to Thatcham.
  • By Car:
    • On the M4: Leave the motorway at Junction 13, and take the A34 southbound to Newbury. Follow signs for the A4 towards Reading and Thatcham. Continue along the A4 until you reach Thatcham. After passing a church on your left, turn left into Park Lane. Continue to the end of this road and turn left at the roundabout. Now follow directions from ->
    • On the A4 from Reading: Follow the M4 past Midgham and the Colthrop Mills on your left. At the first roundabout after the mills, turn right. This will take you up the hill on Floral Way. Go straight ahead at the next 2 roundabouts and then turn right at the next roundabout. Now follow directions from ->
    • ->At the junction, turn right and follow Cold Ash Hill up the hill. You will pass the Church on your left. At the crossroads on the top of the hill (where there is a phone box), turn left into Ashmore Green Road. Ignore the small lane on the right called Thirtover - that is a private residential road. Just beyond that, there is a turning on the right for Thirtover Place. There should be a Guide sign out on the road.
If you search at, the grid reference is 450620,170025. Map of Thatcham and Cold Ash, from