Tissue Paper Roses


The rose is the national emblem of England. These instructions will produce tissue paper roses and are simple enough for all sections to follow, though Rainbows and Brownies may need close supervision.


  • Coloured tissue paper
  • Green crepe paper
  • Floratape/florist's tape (optional)
  • Glue
  • Stem (florist's wire or drinking straw)
  • Scissors


  1. Cut a strip of tissue paper about 9cm (3½") wide and 45-60cm (18-24") long. You may use two strips of different colours or shades to make a more colourful flower, BUT the width of strips MUST be the same.
  2. Down one side make 5cm (2") cuts every 5cm (2").
  3. With the inside of your scissors, scrape the corners of the cuts so that they curl, as shown in the diagram below. Curling the Rose Petals
  4. Now you have a row of petals. Screw the paper at the base of the petals and shape into a rose.
  5. Wire onto a stem, and bind down with crêpe paper or floratape, glue to finish off.
Photo of a finished example