Welcome to the web page dedicated to the most beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful child in the world:
Katia Elise Vignati
1 week old
5 months old
this picture was taken just a few days after we brought her home from the hospital.  Even then she was so alert and happy.
she is almost crawling, but still doesn't sleep all the way through the night.  I think the teeth are coming soon!
Mommy and Daddy Preparing For You
Your Birthday
Just Having Fun
*some of these are a little graphic
Our Little Old Doll
Eating solids:                       5 months
First teeth:                            5 1/2 months
Crawling:                               6 1/2 months
Drinking from a cup:           6 1/2 months
Stands on her own             7 months
More teeth                             71/2 months
First step                                81/2 months
Please sign!!!!
More Pictures!!!
Baby's First Christmas