Important Events of the 1930's
- Penicillin is discovered, by Alexander Fleming.
More About Penicillin
- In 1846 it was believed that another planet existed past neptune. A search was conducted but no "Planet X" was found. Then, in 1929, astromomers in Arizona began to search once more. In 1930 an amateur amstromomer, named
Clyde Tombaugh, was able to photograph the ninth planet.
More About Pluto
- Al Capone tops Chicago's list of the twenty-eight worst criminals.
- Al Capone is sent to Atlanta for an eleven year prison sentence.
- Congress designates "The Star Spangled Banner", written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key, as the National Anthem.
- Albert Einstein arrives in America from Berlin.
- The Social Security Act-
Before the turn of the twentieth century most people lived and worked on farms and as old age fell upon them they relied on extended family members for financial support. As America entered the industrial revolution, and the economic structure of the country began to change, it became less common for people to expect support from their extended family. As well as providing general welfare, the Social Security Act also gave citizens over 65 a continuing income.
- An atom of uranium is split in Germany.
Penicillin becomes useful for humans. In 1945 Howard Florey won a Nobel prize for his part in developing the drug.
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