Text Prints with No Spaces from Acrobat 4.0 Viewer to HP PCL Printers

Text prints without spaces from an Adobe Acrobat 4.0 viewer to a Hewlett-Packard (HP) PCL printer in Windows 95 or Windows 98.
Do one or more of the following:
Solution 1
Select the Print Fonts As Bitmaps option in the printer's Properties dialog box. To open the printer's Properties dialog box:
1. Choose Start > Settings > Printers.
2. Right-click the printer, then choose Properties from the pop-up menu.
Solution 2
Select the Print As Image option in the Acrobat viewer's Print dialog box (this usually increases printing time).
Solution 3
Install a different printer driver. For example, if you're using the standard printer driver for your printer, install the enhanced printer driver. If you're using a PCL 6 printer driver, switch to a PCL 5 printer driver. Or, use the Windows Universal Printer Driver, which is included with Windows 95 and Windows 98. For information on different printer drivers, see HP's Web site at
www.hp.com or Microsoft's Web site at www.microsoft.com. For information on installing a printer driver, refer to the documentation that came with it. To determine what printer driver you're currently using:
1. Choose Start > Settings > Printers.
2. Right-click the printer's icon, then choose Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. In the Properties dialog box, click the General tab, then click Print Test Page.
4. Note the printer driver information on the test page, which lists all of the files used by the printer, and their versions and locations.
Note: You may also be able to see the printer driver information directly in the Properties dialog box, although different printer drivers list this information in different locations
Solution 4
Print to a PostScript printer, or to a different PCL printer.
Additional Information
If the printer driver cannot recognize the fonts in a PDF file, Acrobat 4.0 viewers may be unable to print text correctly to HP PCL printers. When you set up the printer driver to print fonts as bitmaps, or select the Print As Image option in the viewer's Print dialog box, fonts are sent to the printer as bitmap images, rather than as font information. The printer driver should recognize bitmap images even if it can't recognize font information, so the PDF file will print correctly. For more information on the Print As Image option, refer to page 60 of the online Acrobat 4.0 User Guide.