Link Page
Friend's BBSs:
Mizue Kobo

Newest pic on Mizue's BBS
Mizue's Honobono Salon BBS
Akiko's Pony the Puppy

Newest pic on Pony's old BBS
Akiko's Blog
Midori Ono's blog, 絵本ひとりぼっち
MEMEchan's blog�E��E��E�f�E�G�E�Ȍߌ��E�́E��
Suzu-san's site.
D*PAPERS ++切り絵アパート++
KonShuuNoUta's BBS

Music Links:
"No Music, No Life" My recent CD purchases
Howard's "Kon-Shuu no Uta" weekly music sample
Sing-Snap karaoke login
Midomi login
Stickam login

J/E Dictionaries:
Jim Breen's WWW JDIC (at EDRDG-USA)
Jim Breen's WWW JDIC (at Monash Univ in Australia)
Space ALC top page
Babelfish translation

Miscellaneous Links:
Click for Alameda, California Forecast
Hotmail login
Comcast eMail
Geocities editor login login
FileDen login
FilesUpload login
File Lodge login
CNET Internet Bandwidth Meter
Internet Movie Database, IMDb

Comments? �E��E��E�T�E�̉̂̌f�E��E��E��E�
the BBS
for "This Week's Song"

email me
Sorry, you will have to remove the 9's and 7's to email me. I'm trying to eliminate spam.
Can you see the graphic? If not, my email address is:
howard _underscore hasik "at" hotmail "dot" com
Or just leave a message on my BBS. Thanks.