May 2, 2004 - we have new sponsors of our site please visit them
April 28, 2004 - there was a wierd console message to all habbos today it went like this
April 28, 2004 - New rare for .nl . . .
there is a new rare out in it is the petal patch, but wheres our rare ? ? ? have we been forgotten :( we will keep you posted on this matter
April 23, 2004 - New funky friday competition now open for you chance to win a dvd player and peter pan on dvd go to the homepage for more info.
April 23, 2004 - Check out the competition page now, we are updating it and our first comp will be a quest... go to competition page for more info.
April 22, 2004 - Habbo have changed some of the pics in the catalogue in some sections
April 21, 2004 - Dont go on there is an instant trojan and obscene pictures will appear on your screen. p.s if you were silly enough to go there please visit
April 20, 2004 - Easter maze competition winner has been picked. check newsie for winner
April 20, 2004 - We have a brand new layout made by Morpheusse, We hope to attract more visitors with this bright new layout, We have got enough staff now. Thanks to everyone who applied, but if you havent got an email back then im sorry but you didnt get the job