More Little known moments in history

  1. In his work as a DJ, Pete Moss never gathered any rolling stones
  2. Henry the eighth was always jealous of his cat. "Fluffy Bumkins" had had NINE wives.
  3. The first heart transplant recipient was Richard the lion-heart
  4. Mrs Watt was accused of being a witch by Mrs Who. Where, When and Why witch Watt was burned, who knows.
  5. The hola-hoop was originally designed as a solid plastic belt. No one was impressed with the timing of the inventors decision to loose weight, but ALL were impressed by his efforts to keep the belt from falling down.
  6. The avid explorer Jungle Jim, died in a freak accident in a playground when he walked in front of a swing. His body was discovered by a Mr C Saw on his way home from a drink at "The Monkey Bars"
  7. Very few people know that Benjamin Franklin, who discovered that lightning was actually electricity, was a very talented musician, and had always had his heart set on being a conductor.
  8. "Micro-soft" was Bill Gates SECOND choice for the name of his company after the rejected "Maxi-hard" as being just a little bit too truthful.