Please help us find...
Listed Alphabetically by Last Name
Robert Andreatta
Cosmin Bargoz
Allison Bazarko
Vicki Becker
Heidi Brennan

Marc Billadeau
Michele Bowen
Caryn Challman
Lisa Bright
Song Hui Chong
Erik Jamroz
Ann Juarez

Tony Guilfoyle
Dan Kerr

Diana Kaminsky
Brian King
Scott Kooi
Chad Pavich

Pete Kollintzas
Kirstin Krick
Emma Nielsen
Kristina Popyk
Amy Prepsky
Kelly Reams
Crystal Rico

Jeff Orzechowicz
Shawn Parlor

Judy Seehausen
Emma Smith
Mike Spitz
Lewis Witham
Dave Worley

Tracy Repking
Holly Santerior

Jason Westberg
Time is running out...any help you can give me in locating
our classmates would be greatly appreciated!

Email if you have an e-mail address, mailing address and/or phone number for any of the following classmates who we are missing informaton for:
UPDATED 9/22/01
Those names printed in italics below have been contacted via mail to their parents home or by telephone message and we are awaiting a response from them for their correct contact information.  Or, we have been notified by other classmates that they are aware of the reunion but we do not have a current mailing address for them.
Missing Count 22