Hilltop High School

Dollars for Scholars

Art Scholarship Application


Martha Gilman Roach Memorial Art Scholarship


Martha Gilman was a graduate of Hilltop High School in 1967, and received her art degree from UCLA in 1971. Martha was a life-long talented artist, and the beauty of the original local natural landscape was a frequent theme of her art. HHSDFS is proud to have some of her artwork grace our website (see www.oocities.org/hhsdfs/artwork). Although her years-long battle with cancer ended December 9, 2004, but her incredibly positive spirit and faith in God never dimmed, even as she walked down that last dark road. Before her passing away, it delighted Martha and her artist husband Tom to think of establishing a scholarship to benefit students of her alma mater pursuing their artistic dreams. Therefore, in remembrance of Martha, her friends and family contributed to establish the Martha Gilman Roach Memorial Scholarship.


Applicants for this scholarship are encouraged to pursue their dreams, and continue in Martha’s spirit by using their artistic talents and all their other personal abilities and skills to make the world a more beautiful place.  Therefore, applicants will be judged and scholarship awarded on the basis of love for art and artistry already demonstrated during student’s high school performance, as well as actions already taken and plans made to pursue a career in art.


Supplemental Eligibility Information, Application Form and Instructions


1) Basic Application Form:      Complete basic HHSDFS application form (http://www.oocities.org/hhsdfs/Application_2005)

                                                    Under section #2 Eligibility, check “Other Eligibility” and “Art Scholarship.”

2) College Art Intentions:       Attach photocopies of proof of enrollment or declaration of Art major, copy of college

                    acceptance letter(s), or application(s) for college(s). List:

__ Southwestern College or other junior college - specify:                                    ________________________

__ S. D. State University (SDSU) or other Cal State College/University:             ________________________

__ UC San Diego (UCSD) or other UC:                                                                 ________________________

__ Other private Art College(s):             ________________________                ________________________

3) High School Art Classes and Grades:

                Class: _______________________ Grade: _____                 Class: _______________________ Grade: _____

                Class: _______________________ Grade: _____                 Class: _______________________ Grade: _____

                Outside Work to be considered, if any (attach additional sheet if necessary)



4) Art Career Goal:              Write your statement (typewritten preferred) on a separate sheet, ONE page maximum.

                                                Describe artists you like and why, and/or style of art you like.

5) Art Portfolio                      Need not be matted; frames discouraged.

                Submit 8-12 pieces; eight pieces will be scored

                Variety of styles and medias recommended

                Submitting minimum one piece which shows human figure and/or portrait is recommended

                Three-dimensional work must be submitted in photographic form


6)  Applicant statement (signature required):

I understand artwork will be returned to the artist in as-near-to-originally-submitted condition as possible. I waive HHSDFS of responsibility for any possible accidental damage to artwork that might occur. I understand that publicity is a key ingredient in raising community awareness of Dollars for Scholars and raising funds for scholarships, and that community awareness of the student(s) receiving scholarships is important.  I agree to consider possible display of artwork on HHSDFS website or otherwise, understanding that HHSDFS respects artist’s rights in their art and that any arrangements will only be made by mutual agreement.



_____________________________ Date: __________       _____________________________ Date: __________      

Student                                                                                    Parent / Guardian


Website:  www.oocities.org/hhsdfs     To re-print a blank form:  www.oocities.org/hhsdfs/MGRMS_Elig_App_2005

Email:       dollarsforscholars@cox.net                                                       © 2005, Hilltop High School Dollars for Scholars