Useful Psychology Links
The links you see on this page will be broken into categories that hopefully will make it easier to find what you are looking for.
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By Category
Biological Psychology Links - This is a good site for a variety of information but is basically a resource for Biological Psychology
Neurolink -This link will proviede up to date information regarding anxiety and depression. It is a site maintained by a drug company but the information is good quality.
Psychological Organizations
American Psychological Association - Professional association started by G.Stanley Hall in the early 1900's
American Psychological Society - Professional organization dedicated to the advancement of the science of psychology.
British Psychological Society - This is the equivalent of the APA. It is a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of Psychology.
Psychological Statistics- A site maintained by Dr. Mark Plonsky at the University of Wisconson. Provides examples of various statistical methods and related information.
S. R. Brown: Q Methodology and Qualitative Methodology- This site provides information on qualitative research methods.
Methods in Behavioral Research - follows the text by the same name 7th edition.
APA Style Guide - This site is also maintained by Dr. Mark Plosky on the University of Wisconson site.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov – Biography

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 at Ryazan, where his father, Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov, was a village priest.
What do you do when you hear a bell ring?
B. F. Skinner Indiana University
First published in Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38, 168-172.
Operant Conditioning and Behaviorism - an historical outline
PsychRef pages- A resource for a variety of psychological references.
Albert Bandura A site dedicated to Bandura's social learning theory.
Labs and Experiments
Net Labs This site provides a variety of experiences including experiments.
PQ4R Method How-To's For Studying
from Dr. Susan Bovair
SQ3R Method There are a variety of methods for studying. This is just one from which others derive.