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In Memory of "Cody"

My very first rescue was an extremely over weight tri-colored female sheltie named Cody. From the very first day she got out of JoAnn's van, Cody was my dog. She wasn't just a rescue, to me she was my soul mate, my friend, my companion, and in my heart forever.

Cody's vet did everything to help me help Cody to lose the excess weight she carried. Actually, she waddled when she walked. But you didn't see that waddle, what you saw was a fur friend who had finally found her place and her forever home. Her eyes said it all, and love and devotion shined in them.

Cody was always first to the food bowl, sometimes I thought she gained weight on air. I was able to keep her from gaining anymore, and she lost some weight, but was never the size she should have been.

One Sunday evening in March 2003, Cody didn't eat her dinner. I made her comfortable in her bed with water close at hand for her and went to bed planning on taking her to the vet on Monday morning for a check up. On Monday morning, I was waiting until 8 a.m. to call the office when my husband told me to hurry, Cody wasn't going to last much longer. I went to her and she looked up at me with those intelligent eyes of hers as if to say goodbye. I held her head in my lap and stroked her head and told her "it's OK, my friend, it's OK to go to the bridge now". Cody died with her head in my lap and she took with her part of my heart.

I know she is waiting for me at the bridge. Sleep tight my Cody, we will meet again. ~Deb~

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