NextWave Software bug report and suggestion center
We thouroughly test our software, however some bugs still manage to get through. We realize this incovenience and we appreciate your input on what faults our software bares, or even on how to improve it. We are open to suggestions and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Name of product being reported
What OS is it for? What version you are using?
If you know what version of the application you are using please specify it here
Brief summary of the problem that encountered
How severe was the bug?
In what part of the application does this occur?
What events triggered the bug?
Descibe the bug in detail:
Descibe what steps are needed to reproduce this bug
Enter an e-mail address we can use to comunicate with you regarding this bug report (leave it blank if you wish not to be contacted)
Please insert the name by which you would like us to address you:
(we understand that you may not want your name included, such as number 3, this is not required)