About NextWave Soft
NextWave Soft is a small software company located in Alberta, Canada.  We have several developers specializing in different areas of computers and programming.  Please feel free to contact any one of us for suggestions for software, ideas for new software, job requests, etc.  Our talented and devoted team has experience  and skills in C++, Visual Basic, QBasic, Liberty Basic, HTML, PDA Toolbox, Small Basic, NSBasic, Plua, Paint, Flash, Code Warrior, and Java. Here is our team:

Marcus Desireau - marcus@nextwavesoft.tk
Mr. Desireau is an experienced developer for the Palm OS platform with many useful applications written available for your use. His extensive programming experience and level allows him to write all kinds of software with your needs and expectations in mind.

Paul Keenan - keenanpaul@hotmail.com
Mr. Keenan is a very intelligent programmer for the Palm and Windows operating systems, specialising in C and C++. When it come to graphics Paul is always involved, working with Gimp and graphics editers, as well as 3D polygon freeze images. Paul is also involved in sound and user interface development.

Chris Procyk - christopher.procyk@intelligenceairways.ca
Mr.Procyk, is a highly skilled computer tech and the NextWave Soft web host. He maintains the server and is currently working on a e-book series in regards to computer troubleshooting and software. He is the most recent member to join, and if the hosting is down, blame him.

Number 3
Number 3 is a mysterious entity employed by NextWave because of his superb programming skills.  He programs primarily for Windows using Visual Basic, and is a great visual artist. However he, displaying antisocial tendencies, would rather not be contacted.  If you have a message to pass on to Number 3, you may do so by means of contacting the NextWave Soft at nextwavesoft@hotmail.com, rest assured your message will be received.

Kevin Regnault
- kevin@nextwavesoft.tk
Mr. Regnault is currently working on testing out our games and utilities on all platforms, as well as critiquing the website.  He performs a small amount of base-level pragramming with NS Basic, and is fluent in Visual Basic. His high-level thinking skills and increadable creativity are extremely useful when brainstorming ideas and storys for applications and games.

Carmela Desireau
- superc@shaw.ca
Ms. Desireau is another excellent application tester for all platforms. She offers useful criticism on our products before they are released. Her work has ensured that you get exactly what you want, and that we meet her high standards of organisation, and has pointed out many bugs that may have not have been brought to light otherwise. Her variety of skills assist us in development, as she is a musician, an artist, a ballerina, etc.
As you can see we have quite a skilled team on our side to ensure only the best goes to your handheld. NextWave Soft is proudly Canadian.

Copyright © 2002 NextWave Soft. All images and text subject to Copyright laws