NextWave Soft Privacy Statement
When visiting, your privacy is respected. Our policy is in strict compliance with Canadian privacy laws, and most international laws. We do not collect personal information unless you choose to send us an e-mail or provide your name and contact information for whatever reason. Information you provide is held in the strictest confidence, and should helping you require sharing your information with a third party, we will not do so without your expressed permission.

Our Web site is hosted on servers that are owned and managed by DOT TK,a third party service provider. Any personal information collected on our behalf by DOT TK, such as server logs, is managed in accordance with this privacy policy, and is protected by applicable law.
Click here to view the DOTTK Privacy Statement

Personal information received via e-mail is provided only to NextWave Soft staff, who require the information to respond to inquiries. We will not provide your e-mail address or other information to any third party without your expressed permission. We protect your personal information with trusted safeguards, including an IP block.

We do recommend that you avoid sending sensitive personal information electronically, as we cannot guarantee the security of electronic systems or e-mail. For all such matters, such as a purchase, you may do so at Palmgear.

IP Tracking
Your Internet Protocol (IP) is a unique Internet "address" assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). IP addresses are automatically logged by Web servers, collecting information about a user's traffic patterns. While the IP address does not identify an individual by name, it may, with the cooperation of the ISP, be used to locate and identify an individual using the Web. The IP address is considered personal information because it is an identifying number, and IP addresses are protected by most privacy legislation. The privacy issues surrounding IP addresses are explained further below.

Server logs
Server logs include statistical information, such as visitors' IP addresses, type of operating systems, time and duration of visit, Web pages requested, and identify categories of visitors by items such as domains and browser types. Our servers automatically log information about visits to our Web site in the normal course of establishing and maintaining Web connections. These statistics are reported in the aggregate to our Web and communications staff, and are used to improve our Web site and ensure that it provides the optimal Web experience for visitors.

We do not link server log information to any other data in a way that would enable us to identify individual visitors. However, we may review server logs for security purposes, for example, to detect intrusions into our network. In the event of a criminal investigation, server log data could be used to trace and identify individuals for prosecution.

Cookies are small text files maintained by your computer in order to help your browser remember user settings as you navigate the site. These can be read by other webpages, and can be insecure if it falls into he wrong hands, NextWave Soft does not use cookies for this reason.

Still have questions?
E-mail us at, we would be happy to answer any questions.

Copyright © 2002-2005 NextWave Soft. All images and text subject to applicable Copyright laws