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Both Jennifer Marcus and Lisa Mann encountered experiences as children they simply cannot explain.  These experiences have sparked an interest in the paranormal for the both of them for numerous years.  As good friends joining together they created The Highland Ghost Hunters, dedicated to seek documented evidence of paranormal occurrences and study it from a scientific point of view.  Continuing to learn on a daily basis, HGH utilizes their knowledge and experiences  to help others dealing with possible paranormal phenomena with compassion and understanding.
We are a group of paranormal investigators based in Oakland County, Michigan, who have been investigating and documenting reports of ghosts, hauntings and paranormal activity since October, 2005.  We are dedicated to furthering our understanding of unexplained phonemena by documenting and analyzing data surrounding paranormal events .  Our group is composed of serious minded individuals both skeptics and believers. We are honered to have recieved the "Excelence Into The Paranormal 2007" award by R.I.P. and in 2008 "The Paranormal Award of Excellence" by Bridge To The Paranormal .

It's said over 80% of paranormal claims are actually caused by natural or psychological occurances.  We conduct investigations using scientific methods and electronic equipment to rule out natural causes for reported phenomena.  Utilizing scientific controls and methods we obtain evidence and data and try to recreate under controlled environments.  We believe in the use of scientific methods, skepticism and logical thinking for data collection and analysis.  It is important for us to realize that paranormal research is an ever-evolving field of study, so we try to keep open minds to other theories and methodologies.

  We perform investigations any where from public cemeteries to private residences and businesses.  All private investigations are completely confidential (unless requested other wise) and are conducted in a consistant, professional manner.  We will only post the results of a private residence/business investigation with the property owner's permission.  Names, locations, etc. of a private residence/business investigation may be omitted or changed at the property owner's request. 
  All research and investigations are free of charge.  All of our equipment, travel and expenses are funded by our individual team members.  All reputable paranormal investigation teams across the country believe that it's unethical for any person(s) to charge for a paranormal investigation. 

We are a group of friendly, motovated individuals who are focused and hard working.  Together with our passion, understanding and growing knowlege we strive for perfection. 
We are known as the Highland Ghost Hunters!

View a complete listing of previous paranormal investigations conducted by HGH at the Events Calendar.