<= 476xx's
Possibly an entrant for scrap heap challange a few moons ago, 47643 is now enjoying the highlife at the Bo'ness & Kinneil railway having moved there (by rail) in October 1995.  It will probably be best known for being the last 47 to be allocated to Inverness T&RSMD despite being inoperable since 1991 after an engine room wiring fire.  Despite being heavily robbed over its four year period in storage, the SRPS managed to completely overhaul and repaint the loco by September 1997.  It was the last mainline locomotive to carry Intercity ScotRail colours.
For more info goto the
SRPS homepage.
Right: Before being moved to Millburn Yard, 643 sat in the former Motorail sidings.  This is now the loading bay at the Safeway's Superstore.  Photo by Mike Cooper on the morning of 25th February 1992.
Above: One view of 643's final resting place in Inverness can be seen here at Millburn Yard on 25th April 1992.  Alngside is one of the class 25s converted to become an ETHEL: Electric Train Heat Ex-Locomotive.  Judging by the livery i think it is ETHEL 3 or 97253 (ex- 25314).  Photo by Peter Cresswell???
Left: Another view of 643's storage location but from the other side.  Seen at Millburn Yard alongside stored 26's not long before moving south to Boness.  It is seen on 5th August 1994.