The Sandie Award
Webring Strat-O-Matic
League Site of the Month
January, 2002
  The January, 2002 Sandie for Strat-O-Matic Webring League Site of the Month goes to Gary's Strat-O-Matic Baseball Web Page. Congratulations to Gary Simonds and special thanks to him for all his hard work and dedication to the hobby. 
   Gary's site is the first non league site to win the award, and his recognition is well deserved and long in coming. For those of you who have visited Gary's site, you are aware of how invaluable a resource it is for Strat Gamers. For newcomers, you will be amazed at the wealth of items that are available to enhance your league or project. Everything from fringe players, hand created seasons, ballpark background photos, as played and transaction info for MLB seasons, Minor League hand created seasons, the All American Girls Professional Baseball seasons, links, and much, much more are here for all to enjoy.  Many other contributors to the content on Gary's site need to be given special thanks and recognition as well. Be sure and visit this wonderful resource for Strat gamers in your travels thru the Webring and don't be shy about making your own contributions as well.
                                  Click on the logo to access the home page.

Gary's Strat-O-Matic                         
Baseball Web Page