The Sandie Award
Yahoo! Strat-O-Matic Webring
League Site of the Month
May, 2001
The winner of the Sandie for Yahoo! Strat-O-Matic Webring League Site of the Month for May, 2001 is the Great American Baseball League.

Congratulations to commissioner Wally Wilkins, webmaster Dennis Bronstein and all the members of this superb league website. The league was established in 1988 and went to the internet in 1997. There are endless pages of team histories, statistics, feature articles, and team and league notes. The by-laws are concise, well organized and very realistic. The website contains links to all 16 individual team pages, each complete with team backgrounds, all-time statistical leaders and sharp looking logos. Be sure and give a visit to this well deserving League Site of the Month.

Click on the logo to access the  team home page.