The Sandie Award
Yahoo! Strat-O-Matic Webring
Site of the Month
August, 2001
The winner of the Sandie for Yahoo! Strat-O-Matic Webring Site of the Month for August, 2001 is the Prime Time Baseball League. Congratulations to Tim Kolehmainen and all the members of this outstanding league and website.

The league features 20 dedicated team owners broken into 2 leagues and 6 divisons. The site has an easy to use drop-down menu system that lets you search through and peruse everything from league and team histories to current standings, stats and trades. It's an entertaining trip to the PTBL and one that I recommend in your travels through the Yahoo Strat-O-Matic Webring

Click on the logo to access the  team home page.

HERE to read a league bio written by
the PTBL's commissioner and webmaster
Tim Kolehmainen