The Sandie Award for the Strat-O-Matic Baseball Webring Site of the Month September, 2002 |
The September, 2002 winner of the Sandie Award for the Strat-O-Matic Baseball Webring Site of the Month is the National Netplay League. Congratulations to Scott Ferron and all of the members of the first ever, full season, netplay league. The league consists of 24 teams, playing a full 162 game season plus playoffs using the net play feature of the computer game. The season runs from mid March thru September and league members play on average 6 or 7 games each week. This is an quite an undertaking and the commitment of all of the league's members is impressive. The league website features individual team home pages, stats, standings, a league forum and chat room, links and more. The NNL also has an on-line registration form if you want to sign up to be on the league waiting list, or if you just want to be a fill-in manager for a few games, in place of a league member who may not be available at a given time. I wish the league best of luck and continued success in the future. Click on the logo to access the NNL home page. |