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Mamaw Belle's Fried Apple Breakfast
6 - 8 tart apples (green are best)
1/2 - 3/4 stick butter
1/3 - 1/2 c. sugar

Leaving peel on, slice apples into 1/2  inch thick slices.  Melt 1/2 stick of butter in skillet with lid.  Add apples and half the sugar .  Stir and cover.  Cook on mediun-low heat, stirring occasionally until apples are soft.  Add remaining sugar and additional butter if needed to make a thick sauce.  Serve with country eggs, bacon or sausage and hot baking powder biscuits.
My grandmother would make these for breakfast when the grandkids were visiting.  Sometimes she would send us out in the early morning Smokey Mountain mist to pick little green apples from her tree for this recipe.  My mother now makes them for her grand kids.  My apple tree is almost big enough to bear fruit and I can't wait to continue the tradition with my granbaby :)