<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/hihcookin/userfiles:/user/mysty2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
I learned to make this stew the first year we were married, when we were living in Rhode Island. I knew next to nothing about cooking. When it was my night to cook at home, I usually talked Daddy into going out for pizza. Of course, I had learned to make Tuna/Potatoe Chip casserole in Home Ec, which I proceeded to make twice a week. Then my sweet hubby finally broke down and told me he couldn't stand tuna. So I went out and bought a cookbook, made multiple emergency phone calls to my mother and Richard started teaching me to cook.
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My Even Better The Second Time Around Beef Stew

2 # beef, cubed                     1 t. Worchestershire Sauce
1 clove garlic, peeled                     1 med. onion, sliced
3 bay leaves                     1 T. salt
1 t. pepper                     1/2 t. paprika
Dash of allspice &/or ground cloves

4 large carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
6 med. potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
1/2 cup red cooking wine
2 T. cornstarch

  In large pot, brown meat, stirring often Add rest of ingredients (except fot veggies, wine and cornstarch) and 8 - 12 cups of water. Cover and simmer 1-1/2 hour. Stir occasionally. Remove bay leaves and garlic. Add veggies and wine. Cover and cook one more hour. Just before serving, mix cornstarch with equal amount of water and stir into stew to thicken.
Serves family of four, twice
The music on this page from Maximum Midis