The Corps of Discovery 2:
A 21st Century Trip Across America
We decided to name our rig the Corps of Discovery 2, in honor of Lewis and Clark's perilous and inspiring exploration of the Louisiana Territory nearly two centuries ago. 

I've always had a great interest in the expedition, and read a good bit about it.  When I was employed at the Missouri Historical Society in the late 70s and early 80s, I worked with original documents from the journey, including Clark's elk-skin bound journal which he carried with him on the expedition, and Jefferson's letter of credit. 
January 21, 2001
Ft. Yargo State Park
Winder, Georgia

Back from our shakedown trip in the rig, and as my friend Kim would say:  "We don't know where we're going, but we're on our way!"  We arrived at Ft. Yargo State Park at twilight on the 16th after  driving in the rain and rush hour Atlanta traffic.  We had originally planned to go to a park up in Clayton County (north Georgia), but decided that discretion was the better part of valor.  Good thing, too--figuring out the real-life operation of RV systems in the growing dark and drizzle tends to frazzle the nerves.  Everything was so much simpler in our driveway!   Add to that, we discovered a problem with the slideout which will require reattaching the weatherproof seal as soon as we get home.  Hello Sunnybrook!

On the lighter side, the kitties have been little troopers, patiently waiting in the truck till we got the trailer leveled, heat on, and the slideout OUT!  No accidents, no whining - they put me to shame.  They had fun exploring their new home, and immediately located their litter box.  We all settled down after some chow, and good music -- early night for everyone.

The next day, we explored our surroundings a bit.  We parked at the edge of a lake, which looks idyllic even in winter.  We've seen deer crossing the road completely unafraid, and some interesting birds on the lake.  We met the campground hosts, a middle-aged couple from Indiana, who ride herd on visitors to the camgrpound in return for a full RV hook-up from Nov. to April.  They've got family in the area, which explains why they don't go further south.  While north Georgia generally has mild winters, we still have plenty of days in the 30s, and lots of rain. 
Home/Wet Mountain Valley/On the road/Hand papermaking/Maine Coon cats/Music we love/Bev's gallery/Feline rescue/They paved paradise/What I'm reading/In memoriam/Email us
I had always hoped someday that I would get to trace at least part of the Lewis and Clark trail.  Now it looks like I'm finally getting my wish.  We hope that some of Lewis and Clark's incredible luck, as well as, of course, their resourcefulness and good humour will accompany us on our travels.

March 6, 2002
On The Road At Last!

We moved out of our house, and are hold up in a motel recovering from our labors.  Tomorrow we head for Missouri!  The Day has finally arrived!!!!!!!!!!!

January 19, 2002
Tucker, Georgia

Yippee!  We have SOLD our house!!!  March 1st is Independence Day!!
June 18, 2001
Tucker, Georgia

Well, we're still here!  It's been taking longer than we thought to get the house ready for sale, and we haven't been able to get up to the plant to get the RV slideout problem fixed, so we have been grounded.  Hopefully, not much longer.  Stay tuned...
November 22, 2001
Farmington, Missouri

We drove all day -- 580 miles! - from Atlanta to Farmington.  We arrived just before midnight on Thanksgiving Day -- better late than never.  This was our first time pulling the trailer on such a long haul, and we were very pleased with how the rig performed.  In preparation for moving, we took the rig to my mother's house to put it in dry dock until we unload our house.  Know anyone who wants to buy a GREAT HOUSE in Atlanta?