Endorphin Bath & Todd E. Jones presents...
 INDIE MUSIC Reviews & Interviews
by Todd E. Jones aka The New Jeru Poet

apartmentInterview:  APARTMENT
“Apartment, What The Hell Is Afantgyaritech?”
(NOV 2005)
An Interview With APARTMENT
Interview by Todd E. Jones

            Apartment is 21 year-old Japanese man named Tatsuya Namai. His charmingly raw music is influenced by the beautiful & psychedelic rock of The Velvet Underground, My Bloody Valentine, and The Beatles. Apartment captures the essence of spontaneity in his music but maintains a bizarre pop structure.

    Finderpop / Cassette Vision Label released Apartment’s noisy debut LP, “Apantgarde”. The Japanese-based label is home to other unique artists like Lem, Mountainbook, Muffin, and Ajisaikippu-de. Independent in both business and spirit, Finderpop / Cassette Vision Label started out releasing CD-Rs. These days, they have a handful of artists, a budding following, and a catalogue of official CDs & DVDs. The label’s growth was fueled by the unique quality of the music    

    In 2005, Apartment’s sophomore LP, “AFANTGYARITECH” displayed his maturity. Unlike his debut LP, “AFANTGYARITECH” (Yes, it is spelled in all caps) possesses less noise but a firm song structure. Songs like “Sparkle Marble”, “Sleeping Bird”, and “Pomroccontact” have a psychedelic vibe under a thick guitar-driven groove. In his debut LP, Apartment improvised his vocals but, he wrote lyrics to his improvisations on this new album.

    From wordplay to musical adventures, Apartment is using his influences to create fresh & raw music. From Japan, he is reaching listeners of various races and countries. It does not matter if you understand his music; this is an Apartment that should never be vacant.

T.JONES: "What goes on?"

T.JONES: “Tell us about this new album called, ‘AFANTGYARITECH’.”

APARTMENT: “A-fan-gya-ri-tekku.”

T.JONES: “What is the meaning behind the title?”

APARTMENT: “It is wordplay. ‘Avant-garde’ to ‘Apantgarde’. ‘Afantgarde’ is my web site's name. So, ‘AFANTGYARITECH’.”

T.JONES: “Do you have a favorite song on ‘AFANTGYARITECH’?”

APARTMENT: “Yes. ‘Sparkle Marble’, ‘Lost My Youth’, and ‘Song Cycle’.”

T.JONES: “What song on the new LP took you the longest to do? Why?”

APARTMENT: “‘Sleeping Bird’. It was difficult recording an acoustic guitar sound.”

T.JONES: “The shortest? Why?”

APARTMENT: “‘Airportment’ because that song has a little sound.”

T.JONES: “How is ‘AFANTGYARITECH’ different from the ‘Apantgarde’ LP?"

APARTMENT: “‘AFANTGYARITECH’ is more melodic, more complicated, and more intelligible. It is consequent.”

T.JONES: “Your first album, ‘Apantgarde’ had mainly improvised lyrics. Do you use the same approach with this new album?”
APARTMENT: “No. I thought up the lyrics. This new album's vocal tracks were recorded on a double track.”

T.JONES: “Out of all of your songs, which one do you love the most? Why?”

APARTMENT: “‘Dirty Swamp’, because it is outstanding.”

T.JONES: “Which of your songs do you like the least? Why?”


T.JONES: “Apartment is your first solo work. What other projects were you involved in?”

APARTMENT: “I have never been really involved in other projects. I was only guitar support. I don't have cooperation.”

T.JONES: “Does the name Apartment have a special meaning?”

APARTMENT: “There is no meaning, especially. I like the sound of the word.”

T.JONES: “Favorite guitar?”

APARTMENT: “My cousin's guitar, Fender Stratocaster.”

T.JONES: “Most songs are created by only you. Do you enjoy working with other musicians?”

APARTMENT: “Yes. I enjoy playing guitar with other bands. When live, I play support guitar in another band called Muffin.

T.JONES: “The picture on the LP has you standing with many instruments, like a one man band. Do you really make music this way?”

APARTMENT: “Yes, but I can't play well.”

T.JONES: “When creating songs, do you go into the studio with pre-written lyrics / themes, or do you write to the music? What is the creative process like?”
APARTMENT: “At first, I play guitar and sing temporary words. Then, I find the words that sound is looking for.”

T.JONES: “Tell us about Finderpop / Cassette Vision Label. How did you get involved with them? How are they different from other labels?”

APARTMENT: “I found this label on the Internet. I sent a demo. I think this label's music is so various.”

T.JONES: “Musically, who are you major influences?”
APARTMENT: “The Beatles, The Kinks, Velvet Underground, Of Montreal, and The Beat Happening.”

T.JONES: “Obviously, The Velvet Underground is a major influence. What songs by The Velvet Underground inspired you the most? Why?”
APARTMENT: “‘I Heard Her Call My Name’. That song's guitar is so crazy and cute!”

T.JONES: “What was it like growing up in Japan? What kind of kid were you?”
APARTMENT: “It grew up very ordinarily. I was not interested in music when I kid.”

T.JONES: “What is your favorite part of your live show?”

APARTMENT: “When I make mistakes in a performance or a song, each time. I love mistakes.”

T.JONES: “How has your live show evolved?”

APARTMENT: “Uhmmm….I don't know.”

T.JONES: “Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?”

APARTMENT: “The Pastels or Of Montreal.”

T.JONES: “What has been in your CD player or on your turntable recently?”

APARTMENT: “‘India Vision’ Bollywood's soundtrack.”

T.JONES: “Can you explain the song, ‘Sparkle Marble’?”

APARTMENT: “That song is a fanciful girl's song. She doesn't know what to be thinking about. I am frightened when she stares at me.”

T.JONES: “The song ‘Sleeping Bird’ is one of my favorites. What actually inspired the track?”

APARTMENT: “The street’s trees of the town and Juvenile crime.”

T.JONES: “Favorite films?”
APARTMENT: “‘The Killing’ directed by Stanley Kubrick.”

T.JONES: “Favorite books?”

APARTMENT: “Hako-Otoko by Koubou Abe.”

T.JONES "Where were you on Sept. 11th (The World Trade Center Terrorist Attack)? How did you deal with it? How do you think it has affected music? What was Japan’s reaction?"
APARTMENT: “I was watching television in my room. I was shocked. But, my music is not influenced by my surrounding environment.”
T.JONES: “Word association time. When I say a name, you say the first word that pops in your head. So, if I say, ‘The Beatles’, you may say, ‘Revolution’ or ‘Let It Be’. Okay?”

T.JONES: “The Stone Roses.”

APARTMENT: “Ian Brown.”

T.JONES: “Happy Mondays.”

APARTMENT: “Manchester.”

T.JONES: “My Bloody Valentine.”

T.JONES: “Kahimi Karie.”
APARTMENT: “Dragon Odawara.”

T.JONES: “The Velvet Underground.”

APARTMENT: “Sister Ray.”

T.JONES: “Slowdive.”

APARTMENT: “Library.”

T.JONES: “Lem.”
APARTMENT: “Loosing Summer Set.”

T.JONES: “Momus.”

APARTMENT: “Henna Ojisan.”

T.JONES: “Ride.”


T.JONES: “Pixies.”

APARTMENT: “Debaser.”

T.JONES: “Felt.”

APARTMENT: “Sorry. I don't know this band.”

T.JONES: “Blur.”


T.JONES: “Richard Ashcroft (The Verve).”

APARTMENT: “Ikura-Chan.”

T.JONES: “George Bush.”

APARTMENT: “Segway.”

T.JONES: “Your vocals sound like they are in a mix of English and Japanese. Is that true? Was this intentional?”

APARTMENT: “Yes. That's true. It was unconscious.”

T.JONES: “Do you think that success and credibility are mutually exclusive?”

APARTMENT: “I don't think so, but I think there are many people who have only either, in the reality.”

T.JONES: “What is the biggest mistake that you made in your career?”

APARTMENT: “I was born too late.”

T.JONES: “How do you think Japan views America?”

APARTMENT: “I think that America is a bad fellow freely because of the Bush.”

T.JONES: “What did you think of the film, ‘Lost In Translation’?”
APARTMENT: “I'm sorry. I have not seen that film.”

T.JONES: “What are some major misconceptions that people have of you?”

APARTMENT: “People think Apartment is an old man band.”

T.JONES: “If you could re-make any song, what would it be?”
APARTMENT: “‘Ruby Tuesday’ by The Rolling Stones.”

T.JONES: “How many takes do you do for the average song before it is ready for the album?”


T.JONES: “What is next in the future for Apartment?”

APARTMENT: “American tour and English study.”

T.JONES: “What collaborations should we look out for?”

APARTMENT: “I will release a remixed collection in the near future.”

T.JONES: “Any final words?”
APARTMENT: “Don't see a scene. See an iron fence. Don't go to the universe. Hide underground.”


Thank you APARTMENT  ! !

-interview done by Todd E. Jones aka The New Jeru Poet

other versions:
APARTMENT  -  (interview = Musicremedy version)
PART 1 - (MVRemix version) -  Interview with APARTMENT
PART 2 - (MVRemix version) -  Interview with  APARTMENT

This interview is property of Todd E. Jones and cannot be duplicated or posted without written permission. 

CASSETTE VISION LABEL: http://www.cassette-vision.com/
FINDERPOP LABEL (Japanese): http://www.finderpoplabel.com/
FINDERPOP LABEL (English): http://www.finderpoplabel.com/index_e.html
APARTMENT- Official website (ENGLISH):
APARTMENT- Official website: http://www.apartment-jp.com/

Sleeping Bird” - APARTMENT
The Lady With The Pedal Trap” – APARTMENT
You See (live)” – APARTMENT

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