Endorphin Bath & Todd E. Jones presents...
 INDIE MUSIC Reviews & Interviews
by Todd E. Jones aka The New Jeru Poet

LEMInterview:  LEM
“Is Lem In Your Pocket?”
(NOV 2005)
An Interview With LEM
Interview by Todd E. Jones

        Lem creates light, elegant, poignant, ethereal, and soulful electronic music. His music is softly cool like the thin water rolling over the wet sand as the wave moves back into the ocean. Hailing from Fukuoka (Japan), he was born under the name Goro Tanaka. Although he is not well known outside of his home country, people may discover Lem if they are lucky enough to stumble on someone playing his music. Other fans may have to seek out his work. Lem describes his art as electronic folk music (or “Folktronica”). Like a theme for an enlightening dream, Lem’s music is beautifully subtle and elegantly romantic.

    Finderpop / Cassette Vision Label released Lem’s debut EP, “Loosing Summer Set”. The Japanese-based label is home to other unique artists like Apartment, Mountainbook, and Ajisaikippu-de. Independent in both business and spirit, Finderpop / Cassette Vision Label started out releasing CD-Rs. These days, they have a handful of artists, a budding following, and a catalogue of official CDs & DVDs. The label’s growth was fueled by the unique quality of the music.

    In 2005, Lem released his first full-length CD titled “Put A Lem In Your Pocket”. The beautifully romantic songs possess hushed vocals and subtle melodies. The album is perfect theme music for Sunday mornings, summer afternoons, or tender encounters deep within the night. Instead of attacking the listener, Lem’s music slowly rolls around the listener like a pleasant aroma. The opening track, “From Small Lem’s Space” includes the album’s thickest drum track (which still may be considered soft to the typical listener). The cool ease of the hip-hop groove makes the song instantly appealing. The inviting intro track also perfectly sets a mood for the LP. “Story Of Surf For Young People” enchants the listeners by using melodies created by graceful vibes and dreamy acoustic guitars. “AM 5 Kate (Sweet Mix)” includes guest female vocals from Babo (from Seisyun Mid Night Runners). One of the several songs that include vocals, the romantic singing is gently dominated by the musical melodies. The light electronic rhythm creates a futuristic new-age atmosphere. The album’s superlative final track, “Put A Jonathan In Your Pocket” is a poignant song which could be played during the ending credits on a romantic film. Through charming melodies and soft rhythms, “Put A Jonathan In Your Pocket” paints an audio scene of a beautiful Summer day. Although the album may take some time to be fully appreciated, the LP possesses a magnificent exquisiteness reminiscent of Cocteau Twins, Enya, Kahmi Karie, Mazzy Star, Opal, Dead Can Dance, and Massive Attack. In the songs that include vocals, many of the words are difficult to discern. Like the music of My Bloody Valentine, Lem’s vocals are woven deep inside, not on top of the instrumentation. “Put A Lem In Your Pocket” by Lem is a beautifully subtle and relaxing album. If you find Lem’s music in your pocket, consider yourself charmed. 

T.JONES: "What goes on?"
LEM: “I love The Velvet Underground.”

T.JONES: “Tell us about this new album, ‘Put A Lem In Your Pocket’.”
LEM: “March 3rd 2005 was Lem’s first album release. This album is my image scenery.”

T.JONES: “What is the meaning behind the title, ‘Put A Lem In Your Pocket?”
LEM: “It’s from a title of a pocket nude book from the 60’s.”

T.JONES: “What are your favorite songs on ‘Put A Lem In Your Pocket?”
LEM: “‘Loosing Summer Set’, ‘AM 5 Kate’, and ‘Put A Jonathan In My Pocket.’”

T.JONES: “How is this album different from your previous ‘Loosing Summer Set’ EP?"
LEM: “I made this album as a single-theme record. There is a connection in all music there.”

T.JONES: “What song took you the longest to do? Why?”
LEM: “‘Am 5 Kate’ because I did product with a friend from Tokyo.  I live in Fukuoka.”

T.JONES: “The shortest? Why?”

LEM: “‘From Small Lem’s Space (Intro)’ because it’s short music.”

T.JONES: “Out of all of your songs, which one do you love the most? Why?”
LEM: “‘Put A Jonathan In My Pocket’ because it’s a very personal song.”

T.JONES: “Does the name Lem have a special meaning?”

LEM: “I like word’s sound and brevity of Lem.”

T.JONES: “Most songs are created by you alone. Do you enjoy working with other musicians?”

LEM: “If there is an opportunity, I want to try to do it by all means.”

T.JONES: “When making songs, do you go into the studio with pre-written lyrics and themes, or do you write to the music? What is the creative process like?”
LEM: “I begin to make it with a guitar. There is a time when I make it from a rhythm tracks. I write lyrics to the atmosphere of music last.”

T.JONES: “Tell us about Finderpop / Cassette Vision Label. How did you get involved with them? How are they different from other labels?”
LEM: “I sent it to see the demo recruitment. Label production is handmade meets myself. I give priority to intention of an artist enough.”

T.JONES: “Musically, who are you major influences?”

LEM: “Fishmans, Nick Drake, Boards Of Canada, Madlib, Galaxie 500, Cornelius, Tortoise, Jim O’Rourke, Brian Wilson, The Pale Fountains, Four Tet, Prefuse 73, The Books, Elliott Smith, The Pastels, Jonathan Richman, Yo La Tengo, and Morrissey.”

T.JONES: “What was it like growing up in Japan? What kind of kid were you?”

LEM: “Four beautiful Japanese seasons created my feelings. It was a romantic childhood.”

T.JONES: “What is your favorite part of your live show?”

LEM: “Playing a guitar by loud sound.”

T.JONES: “How has your live show evolved?”

LEM: “Expression of feelings.”

T.JONES: “Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?”

LEM: “The Books.”

T.JONES: “What has been in your CD player or on your turntable recently?”

LEM: “’Evolution fight’ by Cyne and ‘Rideau’ by Tape.”

T.JONES: “Explain the song ‘Put A Jonathan In Your Pocket’? That is one of my favorites”

LEM: “I love Jonathan Richman’s ‘That Summer Feeling’.”

T.JONES: “Abortion – pro-choice or pro-life?”

LEM: “I’m against an abortion for oneself.”

T.JONES: “Death Penalty – For or against?”

LEM: “Against.”

T.JONES: "Where were you on Sept. 11th (The World Trade Center Terrorist Attack)? How did you deal with it? How do you think this event has affected music? What was Japan’s reaction?"
LEM: “I knew it in news of TV. I felt terrorism close for the first time. I felt importance of a daily living some other time.”

T.JONES: “Word association time. When I say a name, you say the first word that pops in your head. So, if I say ‘The Beatles’, you may say ‘Revolution’ or ‘Let It Be’. Okay?”

T.JONES: “The Stone Roses.”

LEM: “I Wanna Be Adored!”

T.JONES: “Happy Mondays.”
LEM: “Madchester.”

T.JONES: “My Bloody Valentine.”
LEM: “A wave of a moment.”

T.JONES: “Momus.”
LEM: “A writer of the shy middle ages.”

T.JONES: “Ride.”

LEM: “An early singles jacket is so cool!”

T.JONES: “The Roots.”
LEM: “Native.”

T.JONES: “Felt.”
LEM: “Denim.”

T.JONES: “Blur.”
LEM: “Neo mods!”

T.JONES: “George Bush.”
LEM: “A poor mouse.”

T.JONES: “Your vocals are very low and drowned-out. It adds to the atmosphere of the song. Was this intentional?”

LEM: “Intentional. It is not accident.”

T.JONES: “What do you think music industry (in general) needs these days?”
LEM: “An anti-commercial.”

T.JONES: “Do you think that success and credibility are mutually exclusive?”
LEM: “Yes.”

T.JONES: “How are audiences from other countries different from Japanese audiences?”

LEM: “Overseas, people accept me.”

T.JONES: “What are some major misconceptions that people have of you?”

LEM: “There is not the popularity that much.”

T.JONES: “If you could re-make any song, what would it be?”

LEM: “‘Say Yes’ by Elliott Smith.”

T.JONES: “How do you pick the tracks that end up on the final album?”
LEM: “I demand a flow of the music that a feeling is good for myself.”
T.JONES: “Your bio describes your music as ‘folktronica’. Would you agree? Did you ever hear the Momus album called ‘Folktronica’?”
LEM: “You may invite me to each personapilia. I have not listened to it.”

T.JONES: “Do you want to be cremated or buried?”
LEM: “Cremated.”

T.JONES: “What do you want on your epitaph?”

LEM: “Going zero.”

T.JONES: “What is in the future for Lem?”
LEM: “I want to make the sound that is a more personal sound.”

T.JONES: “Any final words?”
LEM: “See the distant cloud. Then, you feel so proud. Blessing approaching, it will come with sting.”


Thank you LEM! ! !

-interview done by Todd E. Jones aka The New Jeru Poet

other versions:
INTERVIEW with LEM  -  (Musicremedy version)
PART 1 - (MVRemix version) -  Interview with LEM
PART 2 - (MVRemix version) -  Interview with 

This interview is property of Todd E. Jones and cannot be duplicated or posted without written permission. 

CASSETTE VISION LABEL: http://www.cassette-vision.com/
FINDERPOP LABEL (Japanese): http://www.finderpoplabel.com/
FINDERPOP LABEL (English): http://www.finderpoplabel.com/index_e.html

Official LEM Website: http://www1.bbiq.jp/lem.web/
LEM MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/lem560

"Story Of Surf For Young People" - LEM
"Story Of Surf For Young People (Yusuke Momose mix)" - LEM
"AM 5 Kate (Sweet Mix)" - LEM
Snow Loop Slow Libido” - LEM

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