Endorphin Bath & Todd E. Jones presents...
 Hardcore Hip-Hop Interviews
by Todd E. Jones aka The New Jeru Poet

Interview: LOUIS LOGIC
“The Roar Of The Drunken Dragon”
(August 2003)
Interview by Todd E. Jones aka The New Jeru Poet

    Every once in a while an emcee comes out of nowhere and releases a mind-blowing modern hip-hop classic debut album that is filled with intelligence, insanity, sharp wit, and a balance of solid beats and tight rhymes. Louis Logic has been making some minor noise in the underground circuit for some time now. His association with Apathy and The Demigodz gave him some shine but only now is he getting the recognition he deserves. He hooked up with Solid Records and released his debut solo album “Sin-A-Matic”. Produced by J.J. Brown, Memo Of The Molemen, The Avid Record Collector and others, “Sin-A-Matic” is unlike any other hip-hop album out today while it has that classic hip-hop feel at the same time. Lyrically, Louis Logic is a wild man. While some people compare him to Eminem due to his dark humor, hard punch lines, and sharp wit, Louis Logic is truly a unique emcee. While Eminem rhymes about doing drugs, Louis Logic is an unashamed alcoholic.  He can drink almost anyone under the table. His friend, Vinnie from Jedi Mind Tricks dubbed him “The Dragon” or “The Drunken Dragon”. Even with tons of alcohol in his system, Louis Logic pumped out an album with songs that were both funny, poignant, intelligent, and devilishly clever. “The Ugly Truth” is a perfect example of a deliciously wicked Louis Logic track. Each verse explores the hatred of different religions, cultures, and races. Stereotypes and hateful (yet hilarious) remarks are made against Black people, gays, Asians, and more. Then, at the end of the song, the listener is shocked to hear that the narrator is actually George Bush. Many of the songs on “Sin-A-Matic” have this intense, hardcore wit. Louis Logic finds the humor in the ugly. From freaking out on “Postal” to betrayal on “Best Friends” to retribution on “Revenge!” and sex and women on “Coochie Coup”, “Idiot Gear”, and “The Rest”, Louis Logic tackles both new and old themes in a completely fresh and exciting way. While known for his clever punch lines, Logic crafted his skill on telling exciting stories and rhyming in new and different ways. As an emcee, he is versatile, unique, and hungry. Fueled by tons of alcohol, he gets help from other emcees like Celph Titled and Apathy. The album does have the cinematic quality where you can listen to the entire LP in one sitting. Louis Logic is more than just an emcee. He also writes for Elemental Magazine. On a hot evening in August 2003, Louis Logic and I sat down and had an in-depth conversation about alcohol, sex, women, hip-hop, racism, music business, and life in general. So, Delve into you dark side, explore your sins, crack open the beers, and let The Drunken Dragon roar.

T.JONES: “What goes on?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Well, I supporting the record. I’m doing stuff on louislogic.com and drawing support from kids who are interesting in supporting a record in their own hometown. So, we’re doing that. I am also organizing my own tour called ‘The Louis Logic Traveling Bar Brawl’. It’s very exciting stuff. There’s that and I’m in the middle of recording another album, The Odd Couple album. It has myself, Jay Love and The Avid Record Collector.”

T.JONES: “The new album is called ‘Sin-A-Matic’. Tell us about it?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Well, originally when we started the project, I knew that I was going to do an album but I didn’t know where it was going to end up. I didn’t want my stuff to go to waste. I wanted to spread the art. As we began to wrap up track after track, we began to realize how conceptual the songs were. It was focused on the ugly side of life and how humorous it can be. There were a few things that were supposed to be different but it all turned out good. All in all, I couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome.”

T.JONES: “What was supposed to be different?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Well, for one thing, originally, the bonus track at the end of the album, ‘Let’s Get It Started’, was not supposed to be a bonus track. We went through 2 different joints actually for the bonus tracks. One of them is still a floater and it has no real home. It’s in the process of being remixed by J-Zone. The other one was the ‘Street Smarts’ remix, which actually ended up on the first 12 inch. I guess in the interest in putting on new material on the album, which has all new lyrics and all new beats, a real slap in the face was a surprise that we needed to come up with a new joint. Unfortunately, the original song that we had planned, that is now being remixed by J-Zone, was another concept song, which was loosely inspired by the Buffalo Bill character in the movie ‘Silence Of The Lambs’. We had a disastrous problem with technical difficulties in the studio. That song ended up getting scrapped, then remixed by J.J. Brown, but I wasn’t really happy with how that remix turned out. So, I re-recorded it again, with a different take on the vocals, and then, sent it off to J-Zone. Now, he’s working on it. I don’t know if it will ever actually surface but it’s kind of one of my favorite flicks.”

T.JONES: “What is the meaning behind the title?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I love movies and the album is very vivid and has concepts to it. It was kind of like a play on words. I tried to make a cinematic album. I used the word ‘sin’ as a play on words for the word ‘cinematic’.”

T.JONES: “Do you have a favorite song on the ‘Sin-a-Matic’?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Wow! I don’t know, dude, honestly. I probably have to say ‘Idiot Gear’. If I were forced to pick one at gunpoint or with the prospect that I could never drink another beer again if I didn’t choose, I would say ‘Idiot Gear’. The song that was the most fun for me to record, even though it was also a headache due to all of the details that went into it, was the ‘Best Friend’ and ‘Revenge!’ duo. You wouldn’t even believe what we had to go through for those tracks. It wasn’t even just the headache of Avid being a royal pain in the ass, good friend that he may be. What a f*cker he could be! I love the dude to death but he wasn’t even the biggest headache. We had a lot of back and forth stuff because the song incorporates the work of essentially 3 producers. J.J. Brown really co-produced that whole thing even though The Avid Record Collector gave the beats for the ‘Best Friend’ song and Memo from Molemen gave the beat for ‘Revenge!’. It all required us to team up and become a true partner with J.J., in order to make it sound really dynamic. I love those 2 songs!”

T.JONES: “The songs ‘Best Friend’ and ‘Revenge’ are about horrible situations with women. Did anything like this (except the murder) happen to you in real life?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “The murder is the only true part of the story. That's why I can never keep a girl around. Celph and I are always getting all revved up and burying someone. Go figure.”

T.JONES: “How did you get involved with Solid Records?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Matt Slywka, who is the front man for Solid Records, he worked on my earlier projects with Landspeed Records, before they became Traffic. I had such a good rapport and relationship with him that he asked me. He saw that I was paid and in a timely fashion. There were problems with Landspeed. I decided that when he went on to his next venture, Matt would be a good guy to work with because he would let me do whatever I want. I also would have the freedom to go elsewhere when it’s all done. That’s essentially how and why I ended up messing with Solid. I felt good and safe about putting a record out with them.”

T.JONES: “When did you first begin rhyming?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I guess around 16 or so.”

T.JONES: “What song made you fall in love with hip-hop?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “The first record that I ever got where I loved the song so much, I actually went out and bought the record was U.T.F.O.’s ‘Roxanne Roxanne’. Also, Nucleus. I guess I really didn’t think about rhyming myself until the whole Native Tongue thing happened. I’m from Long Island originally. De La Soul were like hometown heroes to me. I am originally from a little town called West Babylon from way out there. So, I’d have to say it was probably the ‘3 Feet High And Rising’ album. I kind of missed the whole Tribe ‘People’s Instinctive Travels’ album. That was an album I got into retrospectively, after it came out for a while. I went right into ‘The Low End Theory’ by A Tribe Called Quest. Those albums were what made me rhyme.”

T.JONES: “Hell yeah! ‘The Low End Theory’ by A Tribe Called Quest is probably one of the all-time best classic hip-hop albums ever made. When I first heard that bass line to ‘Buggin Out’, it blew my mind.”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Oh yeah! My favorite joint on there was ‘Buggin Out’. I was also real partial to ‘We’ve Got The Jazz’.”

T.JONES: “How did you get the name Louis Logic? What is the meaning behind it?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “It’s the worst f*cking name ever! I’m well aware of it. Everybody always makes fun of it. They say ‘Logic? You’re more like a drunken *sshole! I don’t understand what is logical about that.’ I guess you can say that it’s a misnomer in the same tradition as bald guys named Curly and fat guys named Tiny. I was trying to think of something that started with an ‘L’ for the sake of alliteration. Back when I came up with my name, I didn’t have anything all that creative cooking. I knew I wanted something that still used my real name because I had tried a few alias names that were not my name and I felt like a spaz. I felt dorky and terrible. So, I wanted to make a name that people could still call me by the name my mother gave me. That way, I could still feel comfortable about the whole thing. ‘Logic’ was the only thing that I could think of that began with an ‘L’ that wasn’t humiliating. I thought of ‘Louis Lethargic’ and ‘Louis Loser’ but they didn’t work out.”

T.JONES: “People also call you ‘The Dragon’. What’s that about?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Vinnie from Jedi Mind Tricks actually started that. That’s my brother, man. He’s a funny motherf*cker! It’s a little known fact that he could have a career as a stand up comedian. Anyway, that’s something that Vinnie used to say, that we were ‘Drunken Dragons’. I said it in a rhyme and it kind of stuck. My mom is like totally ashamed that I have that as a moniker. She’s like ‘Nice work, the drunken dragon?’ (laughs).”

T.JONES: “The song ‘Fair-Weather Fan’ is a funny and astute song that is through the eyes of a fan. What do many of the fans expect from you?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “What I think they expect from me? I can’t really say for sure what they expect. I can think what they expect. From what I get from the feedback from fans is that over the course of my career, my first 12-inch to the present album ‘Sin-A-Matic’, I guess I confuse people. There was a time where everyone expected that if they were going to listen to a Louis Logic record, you were going to get raps that are just packed with punch lines and sh*t like that. I’m not really into doing that. I got real tired of the whole punch line thing and I felt like a lot of people were sensing that what I was writing was becoming more accessible with the General Principal records and the Loudmouth Secret Agent records. I had choruses that were a little more memorable and catchy, beats that were a little bit more lively and flashy, and more polished even. By the time we got around the various guest appearances that resulted in Louis Logic records and the Demigodz EP, people could see that my entire crew of associates were making music that was, I don’t want to say radio friendly, but adjustable. It had a wider appeal to it than just kids who sit on the Internet, trying to think of punch lines and trying the battle each other via Instant Messenger. When the tracks really started to come together for the ‘Sin-A-Matic’ album, there were a few that we thought ‘Jesus! These are real poppy songs. Some of these could be on the radio, in rotation. They’re almost pop songs.’ We tried to craft them intelligently and detailed enough so that there would be a sound of professionalism to them and people would respect them regardless. You may picture your 13-year-old sister singing along to the chorus of ‘Idiot Gear’. I guess ‘Fair Weather Fan’ and my thoughts about how fans react, were a paranoid reaction to the possibility that people may react negatively to songs like ‘Idiot Gear’ and ‘The Rest’ as well as ‘Street Smarts’ and ‘Mischievous’ too, just because they are so different to what I have previously done. ‘Street Smarts’, having more of a street polished sounding beat and having the theme of being a tough guy, was somewhat like a double-time rhyme in the bounce tradition. It’s not necessarily favorable in the underground. ‘Idiot Gear’ and ‘The Rest’ have really poppy samples and choruses with lots of singing in them. I guess ‘Fair Weather Fan’ was a pre-emptive reaction to something that never really happened. Kids didn’t mind it. They really dug the songs. ‘Mischievous’ is an exception. Kids aren’t really into the bounce thing but I like doing it and I think it’s a great song. I was trying to say something about how fickle fans can be. They say that they love an artist but let that artist take one step in a different direction and people start to panic and say ‘Yo! He’s falling off!’. It’s not like that with rock music. I’m a big Radiohead fan and those guys have been all over the place musically. I don’t understand why kids aren’t willing to give an artist a chance to experiment a little more.”

T.JONES: “Do you go into the studio with pre-written rhymes, lyrics and themes or do you hear the beat first and write then and there?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Usually, I drink beer first. Then, I write rhymes. Then, I’ll be over at J.J.’s listening to the beats. Then, I’ll think to myself ‘Oooh, that really fits with that song that I’m cooking in my head.’ But I’d say that a little less than half of the time, J.J. will play new beats for me when I go over to the studio and I’ll be like ‘Holy sh*t dude! I have to have that beat!’ I’ll take it home with me and I’ll sit down, watch a movie, read books, so I start getting ideas about what the song makes me feel like. Then, I just try to follow whatever it sounds like. It doesn’t always work.”

T.JONES: “Alcohol plays an important role in your music and your life. What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Beer. I’m a beer guy. I’d probably say that the beer I drink most often or the kind I look for when I’m out and about in New York is Brooklyn East India Pale Ale. It is a hop, biter flavored beer with a relatively higher alcohol content. 7 ½ or 8%. I try to stick to dark or super-bitter beers with a high alcohol content. I like micro-breweries and sh*t like that.”

T.JONES: “Did you ever go to Harvest Moon in New Brunswick, NJ?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Oh, yeah. I love Harvest Moon. Actually, that’s one of my hobbies. I travel around with my best friend, going from brewpub to brew pub, collecting coasters and sh*t. I drink liquor too. I have a distinctive favorite liquor too. I am a Jameson man. I love Irish Whiskey.”

T.JONES: “Do you drink every day?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Probably.”

T.JONES: “When do you usually start drinking?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Usually nightfall. It depends on what’s going on. Like when I hang out with my man Checkmark, from the brewpub in Boston. You can’t put 2 drunks in the same room together. It’s going to be a problem. Every time he and I end up getting down for a weekend, bugging out together, the drinking stops at 5 or 6 in the morning. He wakes up at 9 in the morning anyway. He spends the next 2 or 3 hours trying to wake me up. By like noon, I’m out of bed with a beer in hand. He’ll go to the fridge and get one like ‘Here ya go! Breakfast is served.’ So, those are the only times when sh*t like that happens. Mostly, I wait until nighttime. I don’t drink if I have to do something really important.”

T.JONES: “Do you write when you drink?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Sometimes. When I get real drunk, I’m real worthless. Sometimes, I can have long, tired rants about things that I think I know more about that I do.”

T.JONES: “What emcee/group would you like to collaborate with in the future?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I don’t really want to collaborate with anybody, to tell you the truth. I like doing what I’m doing now. My friends, who I am close with and who understand what I am trying to accomplish, I like collaborating with them. We’re close enough where they can take my criticism if they have to and I could take theirs. We work together to achieve a goal that we both foresee. I don’t really like to collaborate with other people who I am not really tight with because I feel like it’s hard to get on the same page. I’m real specific about the outcome I want. I’m so happy with the people that I work with. My label approached me and asked me who I wanted to collaborate with. They would even give me budget money. I don’t want to pay somebody to pretend that we’re cool with each other. Sometimes amazing songs come out of collaborations like that but I tend to write really detailed, professional material so, it’s hard for me to do a collaboration with somebody who is not on the home team.”

T.JONES: “What is going on with you and J-Zone?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “We’re actually working on a project together. It will be a J-Zone and Louis Logic project. At this point, it is an undisclosed light. I’m not exactly sure how far it will go. We have like 3 joints in the works already. I'm not sure how much we'll end up doing. We'll see.”

T.JONES: “J.J. Brown plays an important role in your career. Who is he and how did you meet?"
LOUIS LOGIC: “He probably plays the most important role. J.J. is a Penn Stater. When I was at Penn State University, we hooked up. I used to work at The Gap and my manager brought J.J. in and said, ‘Louis, I know you rap. This kid is young. He’s an awesome DJ and a great producer. He’s going to be the #1 guy one day.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, right’. Low and behold, a few years after that day, J.J. and I recorded our first song together. That was it. It was over after that. I don’t sound right sometimes over other people’s stuff. J.J. and I just have a chemistry together. It works so I’m not trying to fix what is not broken.”

T.JONES: “One of the great things about ‘Sin-A-Matic’ is that it flows so well that you can listen to it in one sitting. Was that one of the intentions you had when you were recording it?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “We were real fortunate that we literally recorded 17 or 18 songs for the album. There was a point where I was trying to cut songs out. I almost cut out ‘Freak Show’ and ‘Fair Weather Fan’.”

T.JONES: “The hidden track ‘Let’s Get This Started’ is at the end. Why isn’t it at the beginning of the LP?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Like I said, that song was a replacement for a different song. People read into it what they want. They think that the end is just the beginning of something new. A lot of people ask me that ‘Why didn’t you put Get It Started at the beginning to get things started?’ I answer, ‘Hey. Why didn’t I?’”

T.JONES: “What was the last incident of racism you experienced?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Oooh! Good question. It’s been a long time actually. I got stopped by the cops because I was running into my car while I was doing laundry. They thought that I was stealing the car. They f*cked with me for a good half an hour. I was like ‘Dude, this is my f*cking car! What the f*ck!?’ I had the registration and they were still asking me all of these crazy questions. ‘What the f*ck! I was just doing my laundry! I was just in a rush!’ They were like ‘Why are you running like that?’”

T.JONES: “I guess it is illegal for Black people to run.”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Yeah, I didn’t know that. I thought I was light enough that I could still run. That was only a few months ago.”

T.JONES: “You had some incident of racism in college too?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Yeah, before that, I had some hardcore sh*t happen though. I lived in a little country town in Pennsylvania for 2 years where my dad retired from the police force. He moved to this little town called Loganville, Pennsylvania. I went to school in a nearby small city called Lock Haven University. Apparently, they don’t have diversity there. Those kids hated my guts. I got called a ‘n*gger’ every day. Motherf*ckers would beat me up and sh*t. It was hardcore, dude. It was real hardcore. We actually had a situation where we had a trial set in Harrisburg, PA. I got choked by a teacher. I was really young when all of this happened and when we went to the initial hearing, the school district’s lawyer grilled the sh*t out of me. It was too much for me emotionally. I told my mom that I wanted out of it. They stopped and she said, ‘You don’t have to do it anymore if you don’t want to.’ That was the end of that. I had the old fashioned ‘Mississippi Burning’ style of racism, not just the follow you around the store even though you are going to buy sh*t anyway type of racism.”

T.JONES: “Abortion – pro-choice or pro-life?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I’m pro-not talking about it.”

T.JONES: “Death Penalty – For or against?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Where did you get these questions? All that I’m going to say about the death penalty is that I can be as liberal as I want to but if a person killed someone in my family, I would want them dead. It wouldn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t bring anyone back. I’m not in that situation so I can’t really speak on it. I don’t want to hurt anybody. I’m not into that whole thing. I’ll kill you on my records. That’s more fun. I’d like to go around drinking and f*cking.”

T.JONES "Where were you on Sept. 11th (The World Trade Center Terrorist Attack)? How did you deal with it? How do you think it has affected music?"
LOUIS LOGIC: “I was in the Bronx. I walked all the way back to Greenpoint Brooklyn which is a f*cking further trek than when the first Native Americans crossed the land bridge from Asia into the North America. I drank a lot of beer when I got home and then discovered my car had been stolen.  It was a shitty day, especially since my portfolio was in the trunk of the car.  I'm not so sure what the overall effect it had on music.  Some say the weaker record market going on is because of the impact of that sh*t and the war and this type of sh*t.  Whatever, I don't like to talk about that sh*t.”

T.JONES: “The song ‘The Ugly Truth’ has various verses that talk about hate towards Black people, Jewish people, Asian people and homosexuals. Then, the narrator of the track is George Bush Jr. Have many people mis-interpreted this song or took it out of context?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Most people get it. Some of them get it and they don’t care. They get it and they say ‘That’s still wrong. You can’t do that. It’s still offensive to talk about those types of things.’ My question is: Why is it so offensive? You obviously heard of these things before so, it’s not like I’m the first person to explain this to you. It’s not like I made them up either. That’s just stuff that we all learn from childhood on up. So, why can’t we talk about? I don’t see what the big deal is?”

T.JONES: “The song ‘The Ugly Truth’ kind of reminds me of ‘Clear Blue Skies’ by The Juggaknots. What do you think of that song?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Yeah, yeah. I like that song a lot. I like it when people are able to talk about those ugly things that no one wants to acknowledge.”

T.JONES: “Some critics have compared you to Eminem. There is even an Eminem comparison in your press release. How do you feel about that?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I understand why people compare me to old school Eminem. We have a similar sense of humor. He wasn’t really a big drinking person, or one to talk about that so much as he was about drugs or just being crazy. My bag is definitely not that I’m crazy or that I’m into hard drugs or hallucinogens and sh*t. It’s pretty clear that my interests lie more in the wandering, f*cking, and drinking subjects. I’m probably more like Dean Moriarty from Jack Kerouac’s ‘On The Road’ than I am like Eminem. I understand the Eminem comparison to that extent. I use multiple syllable rhymes like he does too. That’s another reason why we’re compared a lot. He doesn’t have a license for that. It’s really apples and oranges, dude. It’s whatever. At this point, present day Eminem is on some totally other sh*t anyway. Why people bother to draw the comparison is beyond me. My publicist wrote an ill-fated little write up for a press release and made that comparison too. Mentioning me and Eminem in the same sentence is asking for people to start a pointless debate.”

T.JONES: “Were there any songs that were too out-there or too left field that you either decided not to put them on the album or got some kind of pressure not to put them on the album?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “There was one song that didn’t make the album. I wrote a song about historical injustices titled ‘Trail Of Tears’. It was a brief moment where Louis Logic does Talib Kweli. I don’t know. I like the song. I researched it for several months before I actually wrote it. I mentioned The Salem Witch Hunt, The Cherokee Trail Of Tears, The Vietnam War, and Infanticide in overpopulated countries. You know, when the kill the females. So, anyway, I am a big classic rock fan and I had a whole classic rock theme in the song too. The chorus had little interpolations from Janice Joplin records and sh*t like that. It was a dope song. I ended up putting it out on a little homemade bootleg CD of my stuff. It didn’t fit in with the ‘Sin-A-Matic’ album. It was too serious and too educational. If there is anything left to be learned on my album it is how to avoid responsibility and how to be childish about your own insecurities and how to use alcohol to medicate yourself from problems as well as p*ssy as a cover-up for loneliness. I wouldn’t say that those things are alright or valuable as far as education. The song just didn’t fit. I just want my album to entertain you. Laugh. I’ll laugh with you.”

T.JONES: “Word association time. I’m going to say a name of a group/emcee and you say the first word that pops in your head. So, if I say ‘Chuck D’, you may say ‘Revolution’. Okay?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “(laughs). Alright, dude.”
T.JONES: “J-Zone”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Perfect.”
T.JONES: “Eminem”
T.JONES: “Nas”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I don’t even think about Nas. Doo Rags.”
T.JONES: “Jay-Z”
T.JONES: “50 Cent”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Coffee.”
T.JONES: “Phife Dawg”
T.JONES: “Common”
T.JONES: “George Bush”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Friendly.”

T.JONES: “What do you think hip-hop or music (in general) needs these days?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Wow! More curse words? I think it needs a little more variety. That’s what I think. The stuff that makes it to the radio is all so similar. I wouldn’t say that all of that stuff is necessarily wack. A lot of kids may not like the commercial sh*t. I’m not really a fan of it. I don’t buy it. I don’t listen to it. I don’t think it’s terrible. Some of them have talent or what have you. It’s just monotonous. It’s just tiring to listen to the same subject matters and the same stylistic approaches to beat making and rhyming. It would be nice if there was just a little bit of variety as far as rap music or hip-hop goes. Music as a whole? Sh*t, Music as a whole needs more ‘head’. More Portishead and more Radiohead.”

T.JONES: “What did you think of the Beth Gibbons (from Portishead) solo album?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I haven’t heard it. I’m kind of afraid to listen to it for the fear that it won’t live up to my expectations. I’m real slow to check out new stuff because I’m such a skeptic.”

T.JONES: “You do not listen to hip-hop that much anymore?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Mostly, I don’t even listen to rap music that much, underground or commercial. I don’t like it. I don’t even like much rap music anymore.”

T.JONES: “What is the biggest mistake that you made in your career?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Sh*t, that’s a good question. I guess that I shouldn’t have waited so long to put out my album. Now that the reaction is as good as it is, I wish that I would have done this 3 years ago. I always had it in me to do this. Just seeing how people are reacting to the album and the amount of coverage and wild increase in stature I experienced since it came out, makes me wish that I had an album out 3 years ago and that ‘Sin-A-Matic’ was my second album. I think that I would be calling my own shots at that point whereas now, I’m just starting to get the exposure that I always wanted.”

T.JONES: “What are some of the major misconceptions people have of you?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “The most common one is probably the confusion about my race. For some odd reason, everyone finds that to be an interesting subject. That’s probably not the biggest, just the most common. The one that is furthest from the truth is any idea that is part of the inflated ego variety. I am probably the most friendliest, most approachable dude you’ll probably ever meet who put out a rap record. I usually keep correspondence with every single person who sends me an email or message. My first 2 records had my home phone number on them.”

T.JONES: “If you could re-make any classic hip-hop song, what would it be?”
LOUIS LOGIC:  “I don't believe in re-makes. At least not in hip-hop.”

T.JONES: “How has your live show evolved?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I actually like doing my live shows now. Before I didn’t care who was my D.J. I would just give him the records in the order and they would just play them. But now, J.J. and I are so excited performing our new material. We really play off of one another well.  J.J. and I are a real team. These days, doing a show without him is more difficult. Especially since I don't use a hype man. I don't believe in that either.”

T.JONES: “What is your favorite part of your live show?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I love doing ‘Idiot Gear’ and the end of ‘Diablos’, where I get to roll around on the floor screaming like a rock star.  It really freaks the kids out. Good intimate live stuff.”

T.JONES: “Do you want to be cremated or buried?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Cremated, but I don’t want to be cremated at a facility or whatever. You see, that’s a good question too. I want a straight Viking Valhalla. I want them to put me on a huge bed of sticks and float me out into the middle of the ocean and burn me. I’m just afraid to get buried do.”

T.JONES: “Buried? That reminds me of that movie ‘Oxygen’ with Adrien Brody. Did you ever see that?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “No, but it sounds good. I’m a movie nut. That movie ’28 Days Later’ was good. It was scary, dude. In the theater, there were big, tough guys who were jumping out of their seats.”

T.JONES: “As a career, what do you think you would be doing if you weren’t making music for a living?…. besides getting drunk.”
LOUIS LOGIC: “I keep on trying to find a way to get paid for that, getting drunk. I guess that I would write. I couldn’t write from a journalism standpoint because I am an asshole and I think that I am right. I’m not professional or objective. I am pretty good at writing ridiculous stories or opinion essay columns, like the ones I write for Elemental. So, I guess that I would try to get into freelancing, writing for as many people as I could.”

T.JONES: “What is next in the future for Louis Logic?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Freelancing, writing for as many people as I can. More music. I am definitely going to have an Odd Couple album out before the end of this year. It may not come out before the end of this year but it will be ready then. We’re definitely in the later stages of completing the album. So, there’s going to be that.”

T.JONES: “What is going on with the new Demigodz album?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “To everyone’s glee, there will be another Demigodz album, not just another EP. We started it very slowly. Until the Odd Couple album is totally done, there won’t be a full steam effort towards the completion of the Demigodz album because Apathy now has the responsibility of completing an Atlantic album and maintaining a high profile career. The new Demigodz stuff is going to be more my responsibility than it was before. It will kind of be like Self Titled and I handling all of the collection of materials and organization. It’s still Apathy’s baby. He created Demigodz. I can’t take his place exactly. From a responsibility standpoint, the new Demigodz album will be more of a Self Titled and Louis Logic presents than an Apathy presentation. We are also looking to highlight the other members of the group and give them a higher profile. There will still be collaborations and appearances from the lesser known members but primarily, we are trying to let the main 5 or 6 people carry it.”

T.JONES: “Any final words for the people who are reading this?”
LOUIS LOGIC: “Read more books and watch quality films. All the answers to life's great mysteries are addressed in film and literature.  Also check out www.louislogic.com and the upcoming Odd Couple LP.”


-interview done by Todd E. Jones aka The New Jeru Poet

For 3 OTHER versions of this interview, check out
LOUIS LOGIC INTERVIEW at Pixelsurgeon.com by Todd E. Jones
LOUIS LOGIC INTERVIEW at HipHop-Elements.com by Todd E. Jones
LOUIS LOGIC INTERVIEW at MVremix.com by Todd E. Jones

Check out the official LOUIS LOGIC website out:

Real Audio snippits:
 "The Ugly Truth"
"Idiot Gear"

MP3 snippit:
"Street Smarts"

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