Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Population Increase
The Industrial Revolution brought with it an increase
in population and urbanization, as well as new social
classes. The increase in population was nothing short
of dramatic. England and Germany showed a growth
rate of something more than one percent annually; at
this rate the population would double in about seventy
years. In the United States the increase was more than
three percent, which might have been disastrous had it
not been for a practically empty continent and fabulous natural resources. Only the population of France
tended to remain static after the eighteenth century. The general population increase was aided by a
greater supply of food made available by the Agricultural Revolution, and by the growth of medical
science and public health measures which decreased the death rate and added to the population base.
Until the Industrial Revolution, most of the world's
population was rural. However, by mid-nineteenth
century, half of the English people lived in cities,
and by the end of the century, the same was true
of other European countries. Between 1800 and
1950 most large European cities exhibited
spectacular growth. At the beginning of the
nineteenth century there were scarcely two dozen cities in Europe with a population of 100,000, but by 1900
there were more than 150 cities of this size. The rise of
great cities can be accounted for in various ways:
First, industrialization called for the concentration of a work force; and
indeed, the factories themselves were
often located where coal or some other essential material was available, as the Ruhr in Germany and Lille in
northern France. Second, the necessity for marketing finished goods created great urban centers where there
was access to water or railways. Such
was the case with
Liverpool, Hamburg, Marseilles, and New York.
And third, there was a natural tendency for established political centers such
as London, Paris, and Berlin to
become centers fort he banking and marketing functions of the new industrialism. Rapid growth of the cities
was not an unmixed blessing. The factory towns of England tended to become rookeries of jerry-built
tenements, while the mining towns became long monotonous rows of company-built cottages, furnishing
minimal shelter and little more. The bad living conditions in the towns can be traced to lack of good brick,
the absence of building codes, and the lack of machinery for public sanitation. But, it must be added, they
were also due to the factory owners' tendency to regard laborers as commodities and not as a group of
human beings.
Creation of a New Working Classes
In addition to a new factory-owning bourgeoisie, the Industrial Revolution created a new working class.
The new class of industrial workers included all the men, women, and children laboring in the textile mills,
pottery works, and mines. Often skilled artisans found themselves degraded to routine process laborers
as machines began to mass produce the products formerly made by hand. Generally speaking, wages
were low, hours were long, and working conditions unpleasant and dangerous. It was common for very
young children to be working for over twelve hours a day.
The youngest children in the textile factories were usually employed
as scavengers and piecers. Scavengers had to pick up the loose
cotton from under the machinery. This was extremely dangerous
as the children were expected to carry out the task while the machine
was still working. Factory owners were responsible for providing
their pauper apprentices with food. Children constantly complained
about the quality of the food. In most textile mills the children had to
eat their meals while still working. This meant that the food tended to get covered with
the dust from the cloth. Many parents were unwilling to allow their children to work in these new textile factories.
To overcome this labour shortage factory owners had to find other ways of obtaining workers. One solution to
the problem was to obtain children from orphanages and workhouses. These children became known as pauper
apprentices. This involved them signing contracts that virtually made them the property of the factory owner.
Children who worked long hours in the textile mills became very tired and found it difficult to maintain the
speed required by the overlookers. Children were usually hit with a strap to make them work faster. In some
factories children were dipped head first into the water cistern if they became drowsy. Children were also
punished for arriving late for work and for talking to the other children. Parish apprentices who ran away
from the factory was in danger of being sent to prison.
Children who were considered potential runaways were placed in irons. The industrial workers had helped to
pass the Reform Bill of 1832, but they had not been enfranchised by it. Child labour was a very serious problem
during the Industrial Revolution.
Rise of New Ideas
Workers' suffering gave rise to socialism. After the London Congress of the Communists League, Marx and
Engels worked to write the organization's manifesto. It was completed in December 1847. In January 1848,
it was approved by the Central Authority of the Communist League. In February 1848, it was first printed
(in German) at League member J. E. Burghard's London printshop (46 Liverpool Street). In this book, he
spread the kind of socialist ideas called communism. He taught workers to overthrow capitalist
governments. This was to build communist governments under workers' rule. Some radical socialists followed
Marx's ideas. In 1917, they set up the world's first socialist government in Russia.
The process of the First Modernization took about 210 years (1763-1970). Between the 14th to 17th century,
the Renaissance, Science Revolution and Awaken Motion promoted the development and distribution of
science and scientific spirit, which is the foundation of the Industrial Revolution. The first Industrial Revolution
took place in the period of 1763 to 1870. The second Industrial Revolution took place in the period of 1871
to 1913, and science had the direct impacts, such as the new industries of chemical, electric and the internal
combustion engine were based on sciences. The modern universities, research institutes and laboratories
in the industry not only pushed the progress of science and technology, but also speeded the process of
the modernization.