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Mask Of Shakeem

1740 B.C.

Born onto the green coasts of the Indian Ocean, the Zulus have had a most prosperous beginning. The air is warm and the farmland is plentiful. Many cities have been established in the southern half of the motherland, and they all boast a wonderful location for cities to grow.

The newly appointed King, King Shakeem is a mysterious fellow who hides behind a mask. Only his trusted High Council have seen his face. Some say the mask is to cover a horrible scar he endured in a tribal battle, but this cannot be confirmed. He is known to be a most genourous leader and treats his people as the true inheritors of the earth, as they will soon grow to be. For this reason, productivity and enthusiasm within the Zulu Nation is high.

In battle, Shakeem is a fearless and brutal warrior, but he has recently shown compassion and mercy to his fellow African brothers, the Mali. Upon investigation into the northwest regions of Africa, he found an un-defended Mali city, Timbuktu, which later would become the capital of the Mail empire. Shakeem wanted desperately to expand the Zulu Nation into this region, but the Mali leaders pleadings for his women and children were too much for Shakeem to refuse. He decided that since the Mali were born from the same earth, that he would spare them. His warriors moved on into a great desert........

To consult the Zulu High Council, please click here.