The Advent Of Shirt Making In Factories.
Derrys association with shirt making.
Who founded the shirt industry in Derry?
The history of outworking.
From the earliest days Derry's shirt-industry faced competition
from other centres and the city's manufacturers continually sought
ways to make their organisations more streamlined and efficient. William
Tillie is said to have brought the first sewing-machine to Derry in
the 1850s. Steam power was available by the 1870s. Although outworking
continued to be an important part of the shirt making trade it was
gradually replaced by factory production. By the turn of the century
many firms had their own laundering and boxing departments and no
longer had to send shirts to Glasgow, Manchester or London to be finished
and boxed. The great, early twentieth century factories such as the
Star (1899), Rosemount (1904) and Wilkinsons (1921), and the smaller
ones in outlying centres like Buncranna, Letterkenny and Ballybofey,
were built not because the shirt trade was expanding but because outworking
was becoming a thing of the past. Increasingly, shirts were being
made entirely in factories.
The new factories gradually adopted the assembly line system with
each worker concentrating on a particular stage in the production
process. Over the years various skilled trades developed, some with
names that sound strange to anyone not involved in the shirt trade.
There were stoppers and stampers, patent turners and turners out,
putters up and layers up. A shirt factory worker was never a mere
machinist. When she had learned a particular trade she kept it throughout
her working life, even if she were moving to another factory or signing
on at the employment bureau.When a young girl went into a factory,
sometimes under age with 'forged lines', she became a message girl
or a runner and was said to be 'on the mans time'. After some weeks,
or sometimes months, she would be put 'sitting by Nellie' to learn
her trade and then she would begin to be paid on piece rate.
The many stages in the making of a shirt varied little from one factory
to another. Webs of cloth came to the factory, usually from Lancashire,
and were taken by lift to the stock room, generally on the top of
the building. From here the cutting room manager drew his supply of
fabric, and the stock room clerk kept the cutters ticket as a record
of the fabric being used. |
W J Littles Factory - 1925 (Distillery Brae)
W J Littles Factory - 1925 (Distillery Brae)
In the cutting room several depths of material were laid on the
cutting table by the layer up. A pattern, previously cut by a pattern
cutter, was laid on the cloth. The cloth was penciled by the penciler
and cut by the cutter using a mechanical knife. The putter up next
bundled the various pieces into dozens - fronts, sleeve vents, collars,
bands, cuffs and interlinnings - and she attached to each bundle a
perforated ticket listing the stages the pieces would go through on
their way to becoming finished shirts. Work was always organised and
calculated in dozens, and a single piece or a single shirt was often
referred to as a 'twelth'. The puter up also stamped the size on the
tail of each shirt. Stamping the size on the collar, however, was
a more precise operation and was done seperately by a stamper. Cutting
was always a 'mans work' but some cutting room jobs were done by women
- laying up, putting up and stamping, for example - although there
were sometimes disputes as to whether women were fit for the strenous
job of laying up.
From the cutting the bundles were taken downstairs to the shirt room
and collar room where the making up began. In the shirt room a message
girl first brought the shirts to the hemmer who hemmed the front and
back of each shirt. She tore off the bottom portion of the ticket
indicating that the hemming was completed and sent the bundle back
to the counter. She placed the torn off portion of the ticket in a
box which she kept by her machine; each ticket represented a dozen
shirts hemmed.
Then, front stitchers turned back and sewed the front opening of the
shirt. The sloper used a zinc pattern piece to cut the slope of the
neck opening. Because this had to fit the neckband exactly each slope
was individually cut - a task too precise for the cutting room table.
Each bundle was then taken by a buttoner and a buttonholer, afitter
(who joined the front and back and yokes at the shoulder), a sleever
and a side seamer.
Meanwhile, cuffs and neckbands were being made. A cuff runner sewed
the two cuff pieces on the inside and the cuffs were turned out by
a turner out using a sharp instrument like a knitting needle to neaten
the corners. They were completed by a cuff stitcher, a buttonholer
and a buttoner.
Neckbands were always made of calico and needed three buttonholes,
two at the front and one at the back to accomodate front and back
studs. Marshall Tillie invented a machine which could make these three
perfectly spaced stud holes simultaneously |
Atlantic Factory - 1930 (Carlisle Road)
City Factory - 1919 (Sewing Room)
Cuffs were also made by the method known as patent turning. The
three cuff pieces, outside, inside and interlining, were carefully
aligned. Then the patent turner placed a zinc shape on the pieces
and turned in the edges with an iron. They were then stitched on the
outside by a cuff stitcher. This method of patent turning by hand
was later replaced by the patent turning machine.
Patent turners also performed an important unofficial function as
toasters of bread. A sandwich done on a patent turners iron was tastier
than any modern 'cheese toastie'. A fastidious operator might cover
the apparatus with a piece of cloth to keep it free of crumbs and
butter stains!
Collars were usually made in a seperate collar room and in the old
days of collar detached shirts, collar making was almost a distinct
industry. Collars were made in the same way as cuffs. They could be
turned out or patent turned (although turning collars was a more skilled
and better paid trade than cuff turning). Detached collars were then
stitched and buttonholed with the same care taken to space the stud
holes precisely.
As the shirt was assembled in various stages each worker tore off
the bottommost portion of the attached ticket and passed the bundle
to the next stage. As the bundles of shirts neared completion the
attached tickets became shorter. Meanwhile, each worker kept her tickets
carefully in a box. These were her record of the number of pieces
she had worked and she later handed them to the wages clerk who used
them to calculate her pay.
Sometimes, if a machinist had not done enough bundles to make her
normal wages she might, towards the end of the week, hand in some
tickets for work which she had not completed. She would then have
to stay in at dinner time to complete these bundles or perhaps take
home and finish them at the weekend. Many an evening at home was spent
stitching or turning the bundles of so called 'dead horses' before
taking them back to the factory. |
City Factory - 1919 (Cutting Room)
City Factory - 1919 (Smoothing Room)
When the sewing was completed, stray ends of thread were removed
by a clipper and when the examiner was satisfied that all the work
was perfectly done the completed shirts and collars went to the
laundry. Finally, shirts and collars were boxed and sent to the
packing shed to await dispatch.
Each factory had its mechanics, fitters, supervisors, cleaners,
office staff and in later years canteen staff and tea ladies. Larger
firms even had a factory nurse. The method of making a shirt evolved
continuously as the shirt industry modernised its production processes.
Conveyor belts, or 'speed benches', have come and gone. Increased
use of sophisticated and heavy machinery means that the idel plant
nowadays has a single storey and firms operating in old, high buildings
work at a disadvantage. Computerisation of pattern laying has cut
down on wastage of cloth but also demands new skills and great adaptability
from cutters.
Almost all factories now have training departments where new workers
are trained in a more structered and less haphazard way than before
and are awarded a certificate upon completion of training. Machinists,
like cutters, are expected to be more adaptable. No longer does
a girl continue to work in the trade throughout her life. She is
often expected to switch to a different operation if the work 'going
through' demands it.
But the modern factory is essentially not very different from its
predecessor of seventy years ago. Shirt making is still a labour
intensive industry and the quality and appearance of the finished
garment still depend on the skills of the people involved in making
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