Assemblies (Maqâmât) of al Harîrî
Date Description Source Reference
1225 - 1235 A.D. Three black nomadic tents, black course material covers multi-angular tents, all three tents show a gold interior. “Assemblies (Maqâmât) of al Harîrî: The Case of the Lost Mount (Fourty third Maqâmâ), Baghdad (Iraq), c. 1225 - 1235. (141* 205 mm) ms. S 23, page 228. Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad...”  Ettinghausen, R., Treasures of Asia, Arab Painting, Geneva, 1977, p. 111.
Three bell tents, one pavilion and one yurt. 

Yurt, yellow vent cover, red roof with black foliage decoration, black walls with dark blue foliage decoration with flowers with red centres, no door showing. 

Bell tent, gold pointed apex with black line spirals, the roof has the same decoration as the yurt’s walls, the walls have the same decoration as the yurt’s roof, the open door shows a yellow interior. 

Bell tent, gold pointed apex, red roof with designs in black un-like the other tents, plain blue walls, the door flaps are folded back to the side, the interior revealed shows a yellow interior wall with a reddy brown design and a red pole. 

White pavilion with blue line and design decoration on the roof and walls, round topped rectangular doorway outlined in blue in the long side of the pavilion. 

Rear bell tent, pointed gold apex with black line decoration, red roof with black foliage decoration (similar to yurt), dark blue walls, door flap folded back to reveal a yellow interior with a reddy brown design similar to second bell tent.

“Assemblies (Maqâmât) of al Harîrî: The encampment (Fourth Maqâmâ), Baghdad (Iraq), c. 1225 - 1235. (192* 199 mm) ms. S 23, page 22. Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad...” Ettinghausen, R., Treasures of Asia, Arab Painting, Geneva, 1977, p. 112.

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