Date | Description | Source | Reference |
1270 A.D. | White bell tent with blue tinges, orgnat black apex with gold decoration, black hooks hold open doorway. | Plate 4 - fol. 4. Ivresse de Noé. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 4. |
Two white bell tents in background with red ball apexes. The bell tent on the left side has it’s flaps open and a hook on the left side is clearly visible holding the flap open, similar to those in the Maciejowsky Bible, c. 1250. | “Foot soldiers in Armour (Psautier de St.Louis, 1270).” Bibliothèque
National, Paris.
Plate 5 - fol. 5v. Victoire d'Abraham sur les quartre rois.
Koch, H.W., Medieval Warfare, London, 1978, p. 72.
Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 5.
? | Plate 7- fol. 7v. Hospitalité de Abraham. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 7. | |
Rectangular wall tent with low black, dark blue, red and black roof, line and floral decoration on walls, two door ways evident in the long walls. | Plate 36 - fol. 36. Le Tabernacle. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 36. | |
Two whit bell tents, red ball apex and apron, white door flap hooks, red interior. | Plate 38 - fol. 38. Balaam et Balac. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 38. | |
White bell tent, red ball apex and apron, white door flap hooks, white pole with ornate base (unique in western tents), patterned interior (black grid, blue diamonds with gold X's. | Plate 48 - fol. 48. Jahel et Sisara. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 48. | |
Three white bell tents, white ball apex and apron, white door flap hooks, patterned interior (black grid, blue diamonds with gold X's. | Plate 52 - fol. 52. Gédéon surprend les Madianites dans leur camp. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 52. | |
End of Tabernacle, plain walls. See plate no. 36. | Plate 65 -La re'conciliation avec les Benjaminites. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 65. | |
End of Tabernacle, plain walls. See plate no. 36. | Plate 66 - Les Benjaminites et les filles de silo. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 66. | |
End of Tabernacle, plain walls. See plate no. 36. | Plate 67 - Consectration de Samuel au Seigneur. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 67. | |
End of Tabernacle, plain walls. See plate no. 36. | Plate 69 - Les Philistin's s' emparent de l' arche d' alliance. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 69. | |
End of Tabernacle, plain walls. See plate no. 36. | Plate 78 - Couronnement de Saul. | Thomas, M., Le Psautier de Saint Louis, Graz, 1970, Plate 78. |
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