Avis Directif pour faire la passage d’Outremer
Date Description Source Reference
1456 - 1459 A.D.  Twelve pavilions, six bell tents. Only one pavilion is dark in shade, the rest are white, line decoration is evident on four of the pavilions and one of the bell tent’s roofs. Only two of the pavilions and three of the bell tents show apex decoration. 

Three point guy rope attachment is evident on the closer tents. Strangely, the dark pavilion in the foreground shows a centre pole through the open door way. 

One of the bell tents is coloured alternate light and dark shades showing the different panels of the roof and walls, the colour starts at the apex and descends to the ground. 

“Bertrandon de la Brocquière offers to Philip the Good of Burgandy a translation of the Koran at the Abbey of Pothière during the siege of Mussy-l’Evêque; from ‘Avis Directif pour faire la passage d’Outremer, 1456 - 1459. Parise Bibliothèque Nationale, Ms. fr. 9087, fo 152v.” Anderson, W., Castles of Europe, Hertfordshire, 1984, p. 209.

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