Giovanni Bettini, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Canon. Class lat. 81
Date Description Source Reference
1460 A.D.  Six bell tents, pennon, flag pole and ball apexes, plus scalloped valance, two point guy rope attachment above the valance, and apex guy ropes, pegs visible too. 

A wedge tent with a ridge pole support at one end by an upright with a forked terminal. 

A fifteenth century siege, from an Italian manuscript. Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Canon. Class lat. 81,f. 16.  Bradbury, J., The Medieval Siege, Great Britain, 1992, p. 185.
Five white bell tents in the process of being dismantled, triangular banners, red ball apexes, at least three apex guy ropes per tent, two point guy rope attachment above scalloped valance, separate walls (tent wall being rolled up on right by man in red and whit hose, and in the centre a man in a green tunic is in the process of undoing the walls), pegs for guy ropes. 

One of the bell tents on the left is being carried to the waiting pack animals, pole, roof, apex, banner, guy ropes and pegs. The pole do not seem to have joins as well. 

Breaking Camp. A scene familiar to all armies, this one being Italian of the mid-15th century. Note the pack asses and the man rolling up the tent walls. Battens are clearly out lined in the material (‘An Army breaking camp’ by Giovanni Bettini c. 1460., MS Canon. Class lat. 81 f. 49v. Bodleian Library, Oxford). Bartlett, C., English Longbowman 1330 - 1515, 1997, London, p. 32. 

Hale, J.R., Artists and Warfare in the Renaissance, London, 1990, p. 79. 

Mallett, M, Mercenaries and Their Masters: Warfare in Renaissance Italy, Totowa, NJ, 1974, plate 13a.. 

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