The Story of the Vengeance of Our Lord
Date Description Source Reference
1460 - 1470 A.D.  B& W. Three pavilions and four bell tents. 

Centre backgrounds. 

Bell tent, unusual apex, apex guy rope, decoration and panel definition on roof, valance decorated with diamond shapes and arches, each second arch has a ring attached, one of these rings has the tip of the door flap attached, the walls are decorated on the exterior but plain on the interior. 

Pavilion, ornate roof ridge decoration, two tailed banners fly from either apex, castellated valance with a pointed arch over the doorway, along the bottom edge of the valance are evenly spaced rings (very similar to the Roman guy rope attachment system, see Trajan’s Column), the walls are of a darker material than the roof. 

Bell tent, banner a top apex, multi-bulbous apex and apron, five point stars on roof and valance. 

Bell tent, rose (?) apex, a cross hatched lattice on dark background decorate the roof. 

Right background. 

Pavilion, ornate apexes at wither end of roof, ridge line decoration, line and six dot pattern on roof, much decorated valance, similar decoration down edge of door flap, three point guy rope attachment through valance, plain walls. 

Bell tent, button shaped apex and apron, flames descend from apex, plant decoration along valance, three point guy rope attachment under valance, some decoration on dark walls. 

Pavilion, multiple spikes along roof ridge, round apexes, line decoration on roof, circles along decorated valance, plant and line decoration on walls, door flap and wall bottom edge fringed.

 Episodes in ‘The Story of the Vengeance of Our Lord’. Southern Netherlands, 1460 - 1470. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Cavallo, A.S., Medieval Tapestries in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1993, p. 198 - 200.

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