The Turks, having landed on Rhodes, attack from land and sea
Date Description Source Reference
1480 A.D. The twenty three bell tents of the Turks can be seen in their encampments with pennons blowing in the breeze from the poles at their apexes. Some decoration can be discerned on the roof of one of the bell tents. “The Turks, having landed on Rhodes, attack from land and sea (1480 A.D.).” Woodcut from the Mansell Collection.  Humble, R., Warfare in the Middle Ages, London, 1989, p. 172.

See also;

  1490 A.D. (Guillaume Caoursin, Siege of Rhodes, Descriptio Obsidionis Rhodiae urbis)

1496 A.D. (Guilielmus Caoursin, ‘Turris divi Nicolai: et Ecclefia Sancri Antono’, Obsidionis Rhodiae urbis descriptio)

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