Vittore Carpaccio, Arrival in Cologne
Date Description Source Reference
1493 A.D.  Four bell tents and two wall tents near the city walls. 

Red wall tent in foreground on right, the heavy timbers supporting the canvas can be seen jutting out. The second of the two wall tents gives a better view of the overall shape. 

Red bell tent, yellowish triangular banner flies above a similar coloured onion shaped apex, the valence is again the same yellowish colour with a number of guy ropes protruding from the it’s centre. 

Yellowish bell tent, similar apex to the red bell tent, panel definition on roof, red valence but no guy ropes visible. 

Red wall tent, similar to the wall tent in the foreground, the lower angle of the pitched roof can clearly be seen. 

Green bell tent, topped by a red triangular banner but the apex is obscured by the next bell tent and most of the rest of the tent is obscured by the wall tent. 

The golden roof of another bell tent is revealed next to the green bell tent but the rest is hidden by the wall tent.

“8,9. “Arrival in Cologne...Saint Ursula and the pope peer out of the ship on the left and receive the news that the city of Cologne is under siege by the Huns...” 

Vittore Carpaccio, Venice 1460/65 - 1525/26), Gallerie dell’ Accademia, Venice. 

Zuffi, S., Carpaccio, Milan, 1996, p. 26.
Two bell tents and a wall tent (maybe more). 

Golden bell tent, decorated apex, at the valance the tent slopes inwards thus reducing the circumference, the valance itself is decorated, wall panels are clearly defined, some guy ropes can be seen on either side of the tent. 

Red wall tent, similar in construction to the wall tents which appear in Carpaccio’s “Arrival at Cologne”. 

Brown/purplish bell tent, similar in design to the golden bell tent, a triangular banner flies above the apex, red designs decorate the valance, very little other detail is discernible.

“Figure 10. “Martyrdom and Funeral of Saint Ursala, 1493. The savage scene of the martyrdom of the saint, her companions, and the pope is balanced, in the right-hand part, by the calm ceremony of the funeral.” 

Vittore Carpaccio, Venice 1460/65 - 1525/26), Gallerie dell’ Accademia, Venice. 

Zuffi, S., Carpaccio, Milan, 1996, p. 28. 

For similar tents see:

1425-1450 A.D. (Veronese ‘Camp Scene’)

1460 A.D. (Justinus, “Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi”)

This page was last updated on the 26th April 2001

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