William of Tyre, Emperor Manuel Comnemus and Baldwin II.
Date Description Source Reference
15th century Blue bell tent with roof obsured, inscription along valance ("AVE MARIA GRACIA..."), door flaps tied back, green lining, wall panel definition. "The Byzantine Emperor, Manuel I Comnemus, recieving a Frankish king. Conrad III foud Manuel, who was married to his sister-in-law, a generous ally during the Second Crusade." 

p. 392. "Emperor Manuel Comnemus and Baldwin II (William of Tyre, op. cit., French, 15th century. BL MS Roy. 15 E1, f. 321v."

Hallam, E., Ed., Chronicles of the Crusades, Eyewitness Accounts of the Wares between Christianity and Islam, New Jersey, 1997, p. 139.

Other works attributed to William of Tyre:

1250-1260 A.D. (William of Tyre)

1275 A.D. (Guillaume de Tyr, Chronique d'Outremer)

13th century (Guillaume de Tyr, Historie de Jerusalem, The Fall of Jerusalem)

14th century (William of Tyr, Saintes Chroniques d’Outremer, The Battle of Dorylaeum)

More information:

William of Tyre, Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum (History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea)

William of Tyre according to the Catholic Encyclopedia

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