The Tents of History

Part 10. 15th Century

Edited by Stephen Francis Wyley

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1401 - 1425

1426 - 1450

1451 - 1475

1476 - 1500


1401 - 1425

1418-19 A.D. (Vigiles de Charles VII)
1425-1450 A.D. (Veronese ‘Camp Scene’)
1425-1452 A.D. (Lorenzo Ghiberti, ‘Gates of Paradise’ (East Doors)) Link to picture
First quarter of the 15th century (Book of Hours, "Sanctae Annae Domnum" (Saint Anne's house)) Link to picture

1426 - 1450

1425-1450 A.D. (Veronese ‘Camp Scene’)
1425-1452 A.D. (Lorenzo Ghiberti, ‘Gates of Paradise’ (East Doors)) Link to picture
1429 A.D. (Scaling ladders are used to storm the English defences Orleans)
1443 A.D. (Anon., The Conquest of Pisa)
Mid 15th century (Besieging a fortified city)
1450 A.D. (Book of Hours of Alfonso V of Aragon)
1450 A.D. (Girart Master, ‘The Storming of Jerusalem’, Chronique de Jerusalem)
1450 A.D. (Hussite War-wagons)
1450-1460s A.D. (De Sphera, (a) fol. 7v, The Planet Mars)
1450 - 1490 A.D. (Loyset Lyedet, Hortoire du Grannd Alexandre)  Link to picture

1451 - 1475

1450-1460s A.D. (De Sphera, (a) fol. 7v, The Planet Mars)
1450 - 1490 A.D. (Loyset Lyedet, Hortoire du Grannd Alexandre)  Link to picture
1453 A.D. (Hundred Year War, BL MS Roy CIX)
1454-1458 A.D. (Piero Della Francesca, The Vision of Constantine)  Link to picture
1455 A.D. (The Siege of Constantinople)
1455-1465 A.D. (Judith Taking Holoferne’s Head)
1456-1459 A.D. (Avis Directif pour faire la passage d’Outremer)
1460 A.D. (Giovanni Bettini, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Canon. Class lat. 81) Link to picture
1460 A.D. (Bible of Evert Zoudenbalch)
1460 A.D. (Burgundian camp scene)
1460 A.D. (Justinus, “Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi”)
1460-1470 A.D. (‘The Story of the Vengeance of Our Lord’)
1465 A.D.(King Rene of Anjou, Le Cueur d' Amours Espris (The book of the Heart Possessed by Love)) Link to pictures
1469 A.D. (Coronation of Soltãn Hosayn Mirzã Bãyqarã)
1470 A.D. (The King of Hungary holding a council in his tent on a battlefield)
1471 A.D. (Frontin, Livre des Stratagemes)
1470-80 A.D.( Book of Hours, ‘Priest at death bed’)
1470-90 A.D. (The Story of the Trojan War, The Battle with Sagittary and the Conference at Achilles’ Tent)
1470's (Chroniques de Angleterre)
1472 A.D. (La Savlt de Beavvais)
About 1475 A.D.(The wagenburg of the Hussite Wars from Das Mittelateriche Hausbuch)Link to picture
Last Quarter 15th Century (The Tent of Achilles)
 1475 A.D. (The English heralds arrive at the gates of Troyes in 1380 to make a formal request for surrender)
1475 A.D. (The assault on Ribodane, "Life and Times of Henry V ")

1476 - 1500

1477 A.D. (Master of the Vatican Homer, ‘Iliad’)
Late 1470's (Jean de Courcy; ‘Chemin de Vaillance’)
 1480 A.D. (Diebold Schilling’s ‘Amtliche Chronicle’)
1480 A.D. (The Turks, having landed on Rhodes, attack from land and sea)
1480 A.D. (The Beauchamp Pageant, The Life of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick)
1480's (Bible of Matthias Corvinus (King of Hungry))
1483 A.D. (Anon., ‘A woman feeds, then mourns her soldier lover)
1483 A.D. (British Library, Add. ms. 17440, f 13v; Missal, Ghent, 1483”)
1485 A.D. (Beauchamp Chronicles, The Siege of Caen)
1485 A.D. (Historie van Jason (Dutch translation of Raoul Lefevre ‘L’Historire de Jason))
1485 A.D. (Camp scene, attributed here to Shãh-Mozaffar, from a Layla and Majnun by Amir ‘Ali-Shir Navã’i)
1486 A.D.(Golestãn of Sa’di, The Traveler and the Dervish)
1487 A.D. (The Siege of Montagu Castle)
1489 A.D. (Hans Memling, The Shrine of Saint Ursula)
1490 A.D. (Guillaume Caoursin, Siege of Rhodes, Descriptio Obsidionis Rhodiae urbis)
1490 A.D. (The Siege of Jerusalem. ‘Les Passages faits Outremer’)
1490 A.D. (Jacopo del Sellaio, Ahasuerus’s Banquet) Link to picture
1493 A.D. (Vittore Carpaccio, Arrival in Cologne)
1493 - 1494 A.D. (Salek b. Sadi, Shahname of Ferddowsi)
1494 A.D (Mirak, Teymur Enthroned)
1495 A.D. (Anonymous, The Battle of Fornovo
1496 A.D. (Guilielmus Caoursin, ‘Turris divi Nicolai: et Ecclefia Sancri Antono’, Obsidionis Rhodiae urbis descriptio)
1497 A.D. (The Isabella Breviary, Advent1: Twelve Sibyls foretell the Coming of Christ)
1499 A.D. (Dorneck 1499)
Late 15th century (“Die shweizer Bilderchronfen”)


15th century (The Adventures of Agravain, from a fifteenth century copy of Lancelot)
15th century (A battery of cannons)
15th century (An early cannon using stone shot ammunition)
15th century (Jean de Courcy, ‘La Bouquechardière’)
15th century (Jean Froissart, Chroniques de Froissart) Link to pictures
15th century (A fifteenth century impression of siege warfare in the Holy Land)
15th century (The capture of Ascalon (Chroniques  de Outremer))
15th century (Chroniques de Charles VII)
15th century (Tending the wounded outside the city walls during the Battle of Jacob on Bir)
15th century (Siege of Arras by King of France (Chroniques de Monstrelet))
15th century (Besieging a fortress with longbows and cavalry)
15th century (Philippe de Bon, The Crusader siege of Constantinople)
15th century (Boccaccio’s Decameron)
15th century (French army of the 15th century)
15th century (The Savages’ Ball,  a 15th century tapestry)
15th century (15th century tapestry, Tournai Workshops)
15th century (Titus Livy, “Ab urbe condita”)
15th century (Homer, Works (C15))
15th century (King Minos' retreat after his unsuccessful siege of Athens)
15th century ('Lo.s. Conte de turzo')
15th century (Wedding chest)
15th century (William of Tyre, Emperor Manuel Comnemus and Baldwin II)  (18/7/01)
15th century (Henry III landing in Aquitaine with his retinue)

This page was last updated on the 18th April 2001

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