Albrecht Dürer, ‘Siege of Hohenspern’.
Date Description Source Reference
1519 A.D. Seven pavilions, almost appear to be wall tents, ball apexes, single pont guy rope attachment in line with panel lines. “Albrecht Durer, ‘Siege of Hohenaspern”, drawing (detail). 

Fig. 26. Albrecht Dürer, ‘Siege of Hohenspern’. Drawing, 1519, Berlin, SMPK, Kupferstichkabinett.

Konstam, A., Pavia 1525, Reed Books, 1996, p. 60. 

Hale, J.R., Artists and Warfare in the Renaissance, London, 1990, p. 17. 

Other works by Albrecht Dürer:

1471 - 1528 A.D. (Drawing by Albrecht Düreer)

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