Date | Description | Source | Reference |
1527 A.D. | Seventeen bell tents, nine pavilions. One bell tent is dark, the rest are light. Three of the pavilions are darker and have two equal-armed crosses on the roof of each. | Painting: School of Joachim Patinier, The Battle of Pavia, Kunsthistorisches
Museum, Vienna.
"An Italian painting of the Battle of Pavia (1525) showing the triumph of the Habsburg forces over the French, led in person by Francis I." |
Miller, D., The Landsknechts, Osprey Publishing 1976, p. 34.
Konstam, A., Pavia 1525, Reed Books, 1996, Pp. 56, 95. Edge, D., Paddock, J., Arms and Armour of the Medieval Knight, London, 1985, p. 135. |
Copyright © Stephen Francis Wyley 1999 - 2001 |